An easy-to-practice solution to the problem of LPG gas leaks due to loose regulators. SEE MORE...
Tricks to repair damaged Teflon so it can be reused with a capital of Rp. 2,000
Without having to replace the rubber, here's a trick to overcome leaking LPG gas cylinders with two simple tools.
No need to replace the rubber seal, this is how to fix a leaking LPG gas cylinder, just add 1 simple tool
No need to replace it with a new one, here's how to change yellowed refrigerator door rubber so it shines like new again
You only need a capital of Rp.7,000, the way to overcome the gas stove sounding "blup" is not complicated
No need to replace it with a new one, here's a trick to overcome dull blender blades so they're sharp again with a capital of IDR 2,000
No need to dismantle the machine, here's a trick to overcome a jammed blender for only IDR 5,000
No need to call a repairman or get a new one, this is how to deal with a dishwashing sink tap that has little water
So the cause of the frying pan burning quickly, this is a trick to change the red stove flame so it turns blue again
How to deal with hissing LPG gas cylinders, effective in plugging leaks even if you don't add a rubber band
No need to buy a new pan, this is a simple way to patch it when it leaks, just rely on 1 simple tool
Without eggshells or salt, this woman has a way to sharpen a blender blade using just 1 kitchen tool
Tricks for sharpening kitchen knives that are stained with turmeric and rust spots, automatically sharpen like new
The trick to patching a leaking water gallon so that it is intact again is proven to be effective using just 1 simple tool
This practical way to repair dented stainless steel glasses returns to normal with the help of 1 kitchen tool
An easy way to repair a knife handle that often falls off without using glue, effective in making it as sturdy as new
No need to buy a new one, here's a trick to repair a broken stove burner so that the fire burns again using 1 type of waste
You don't need egg shells, the trick for sharpening your blender knife to make it sharp is to rely on 1 kitchen spice
Don't buy a new one, this is how to repair a cracked blender glass so it's tight again, relying on 1 simple ingredient
Instead of rubbing with a stone or sandpaper, this is how to sharpen a dull knife so it's sharp using 1 kitchen tool and ingredients
Instead of wrapping it around a rubber band, this is how to deal with a leaking gas cylinder using just one simple tool
Without dismantling it, here's a trick to keep the thermos hot for up to 2 days, just rely on 1 simple tool
Instead of rubbing it against a stone, this is a trick for sharpening dull knives, just rely on 1 kitchen tool
No need to replace the regulator, this is a trick to overcome small stove fires, just use 1 kitchen ingredient
Without wrapping it around a rubber band, this is a way to deal with leaking LPG gas cylinders using only 1 simple ingredient
Instead of rubbing with sandpaper, this is a powerful trick to sharpen blunt scissors, just use 1 piece of kitchen trash
Instead of using glue, this is how to patch a hole in a plastic jar so that it is leak-proof using just 1 simple tool
In less than 5 minutes, here's how to sharpen a dull knife so it's sharp again, relying on 1 kitchen tool
Instead of covering it with tissue, this is how to deal with rice cooker water overflowing when cooking rice using 1 kitchen ingredient
No need to use a rubber band, this is a trick for dealing with leaking gas cylinders, just add 1 simple tool
Capital IDR 3,000, this is how to sharpen old, dull scissors, just add 1 kitchen ingredient
No need to buy a new one, here's how to repair a cracked and broken blender glass using just 1 kitchen spice
Don't rush to throw it away, this is an easy way to repair a pot lid handle without using 1 used item
Instead of rubbing it with a stone, this effective way for mothers to sharpen knives so they are sharp relies on 1 type of plant
Not duct tape, this is a trick to repair a broken tray, just add 1 kitchen ingredient
No need to buy a new one, here's a trick for sharpening a dull fruit peeler knife using just 1 simple tool
Instead of being hit by a rubber band, these mothers have a trick to stop LPG gas cylinders hissing using 1 tool
Not rubbed with stones, the way mothers sharpen a blunt knife to make it sharp again is powerful using 1 simple tool
Don't throw it away straight away, this is an easy way to fix a loose pot lid handle using household trash
No need to insert rubber tires, here's a trick to stop LPG gas cylinders from hissing, just use 1 simple tool
No need to sharpen a stone, here's a surefire trick to make dull scissors sharp using 2 simple tools
An easy trick to make dull and rusty scissors sharp again, just add 2 kitchen ingredients
No need to patch old tires or rubber, this is a quick trick to fix gas cylinder leaks with just 1 tool
No need to add sewing thread, this is a trick for dealing with leaking gas cylinders, just add 1 simple tool
Instead of using used tire rubber, this is a trick for dealing with leaking gas cylinders using the addition of 1 simple tool
No need to replace the regulator, this is an easy trick to overcome a gas stove flame that is too small using 1 kitchen ingredient
Instead of adding pieces of rubber bands, this is an easy trick to stop LPG gas leaking using 2 simple tools
No need to go to a repairman, this is an easy trick to remove a stuck blender cup