foto: YouTube/DapurQu

The regulator functions as a connection between the gas cylinder and the stove, ensuring that the gas flow remains stable.

  21 Maret 2025 05:00 - LPG gas is a primary need in households, especially for cooking purposes. However, many people do not realize that gas performance can decrease over time due to dirt that settles inside the regulator.

The regulator functions as a connection between the gas cylinder and the stove, ensuring that the gas flow remains stable. If there is dirt deposits such as iron filings, rust, or even water in it, the gas pressure can be disrupted and cause the fire to be small or even not light at all.

Simple tricks to clean the regulator

Overcoming this problem can be done with a simple trick without the need for special equipment. Reported from YouTube DapurQu, the way to clean the regulator is quite practical and can be done at home.

clean dirt deposits on the regulator  YouTube

photo: YouTube/DapurQu

The first step, bring the gas cylinder to an open area to be safer when performing maintenance. After that, carefully remove the regulator from the gas cylinder.

" The gas regulator that we use can reduce its capacity and even become damaged simply because dirt gets in and dirt settles inside it ," said the narrator in the video.

Next, reattach the regulator to the gas cylinder and lock it tightly. Use your fingertips to close the end of the regulator, then slowly release the regulator.

clean dirt deposits on the regulator  YouTube

photo: YouTube/DapurQu

Repeat this motion for about a minute to help remove any debris that may be stuck inside the regulator. If your fingertips feel wet or have debris like iron filings or rust stuck to them, there is still some debris left inside.

Repeat this process several times until no more dirt comes out of the regulator. After cleaning, the regulator will work optimally again, so that the gas flow becomes smoother and the stove can light with a stable flame.

clean dirt deposits on the regulator  YouTube

photo: YouTube/DapurQu

How to care for a regulator to make it last longer

To keep the regulator in good condition, it is important to clean it regularly at least once a month. Also make sure the regulator is installed correctly so that there are no dangerous leaks.

In addition, it is advisable to use a good quality regulator that has a strong locking system to reduce the risk of gas leaks. Do not forget to always check the gas cylinder before installing it, especially the valve part that connects the regulator and the cylinder.
