- For many people, a blender is one of the essential kitchen appliances. This tool makes it easier to smooth food without having to spend a lot of energy, so cooking activities feel more practical and enjoyable.
However, because it is often used, the blender is also at risk of damage, one of which is leakage. If left unchecked, water dripping from the leaking part can damage the machine, causing the blender to die and no longer be usable.
This condition was experienced by YouTube user Cerita Kreatif Baru Mulai. In the uploaded video, the blender cup was seen intentionally filled with water. When lifted, the water inside was clearly dripping out, indicating a leak.
"This is a leak in the engine section below, if left alone it could short circuit later," he explained as quoted by from YouTube Cerita Kreatif baru mulai on Saturday (1/3).
photo: YouTube/Creative Stories just started
Knowing this, this netizen immediately threw away the water from the blender. Then checked the blade rotating machine at the bottom of the blender.
"Hold the knife, then turn it clockwise," he said.
photo: YouTube/Creative Stories just started
If it is loose, remove the blender blade first. Next, cut the gas rubber into 2 equal parts.
"You can cut it or just use scissors to make it neat," he said.
photo: YouTube/Creative Stories just started
Take one of the rubber gas pieces and attach it to the blender blade. Reinstall the bottom rotating part, then turn it counterclockwise until it is firmly attached.
photo: YouTube/Creative Stories just started
Once done, fill the blender with water again. Because the gas rubber has been patched, there will be no more water leaking from the blender. That way, you can use the blender as usual.
How, it turns out that the way to fix it is easy, right? If you experience a similar incident, you can fix it yourself.