foto: YouTube/Adelia Fitri - Storing a grill pan for too long without proper care can be a disaster for this cooking utensil. A grill pan that is left unclean and unprotected can experience crust buildup and even rust. The crust that builds up not only disrupts the appearance of the grill pan, but also reduces the efficiency and quality of cooking. Meanwhile, the rust that appears not only damages the surface of the grill pan, but also has the potential to pose a health risk.
When the grill pan is stored in a damp condition or with food residue still stuck to it, crust will form over time. This crust is caused by food residue that hardens and sticks firmly to the surface of the pan. In addition to being difficult to clean, crust also interferes with heat distribution during cooking, causing food to cook unevenly and reducing flavor. This problem often occurs because the grill pan is not cleaned properly after use.
If the crust and rust are very severe, ordinary cleaning fluids will not be effective in removing the stains. So, to make it easier to clean, you can use a trick from YouTube user Adelia Fitri in cleaning the grill pan . Through one of the videos uploaded, she admitted to only relying on two simple ingredients.
As reported by from YouTube Adelia Fitri on Tuesday (12/31), the simple ingredients in question are dishwashing soap and citric acid. These two ingredients will later be mixed with hot water to then be used to clean the grill pan. But not only that, YouTube user Adelia Fitri also relies on one other ingredient, namely bar soap.
photo: YouTube/Adelia Fitri
So first, pour the soap onto the dirty surface of the grill pan. Then, apply it evenly to all the dirty and crusty parts. You can apply it with the help of an old toothbrush to make it more even. After that, set it aside first.
photo: YouTube/Adelia Fitri
Next, prepare a basin and put the citric acid in it. Then pour in the dish soap and pour in enough hot water. If so, stir all these ingredients until evenly distributed and completely dissolved. Then put in the grill pan that has been given the soap. After that, soak for 1 hour.
"So that later when we clean it, it will be quite easy, yes, not too difficult," said Adelia.
photo: YouTube/Adelia Fitri
Once soaked, scrub the surface of the grill pan with wire wool and an old toothbrush. Do this process until all the crust and rust are completely removed. Then rinse the grill pan with running water until it is completely clean. That way, the grill pan can be used again to grill various satays or food ingredients.
This video on how to clean a crusty grill pan immediately caught the attention of netizens and has been watched more than 9,000 times. Who would have thought, many other YouTube users then gave various responses directly in the comments column.
"Wow, it's clean and shiny, Mom. Thank you for sharing," said YouTube @bundalina5758.
"Do I have to use bar soap first? Can I use Sunlight first?" asked the YouTube account @prameswariwidyaningrum7115.
"You can just try it, sis," replied YouTube user Adelia Fitri.