foto: TikTok/@anenganingsih

Cooking technique is an important key so that chicken pepes do not easily stale.

  26 Agustus 2024 18:00 - Pepes is one of Indonesia's most popular traditional foods. Generally, the ingredient that is often used for pepes is fish. However, now, other food ingredients are also widely created into pepes. Such as mushroom, egg, meat, and chicken pepes.

Of the many ingredients that can be transformed into pepes, chicken pepes is the choice to be cooked at home. Chicken made into pepes is certainly relatively more savory and fragrant than other chicken dishes. However, many people are reluctant to cook chicken pepes in large quantities because it is considered to go stale quickly.

In fact, if you know the cooking trick, chicken pepes can last much longer. One of the TikTok account users @anenganingsih shared a trick for making chicken pepes that doesn't go stale easily. According to her, the key is in the cooking technique.

Tricks for making chicken pepes so they don't go bad easily  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@anenganingsih

Generally, fresh chicken meat is directly mixed with ground spices, then wrapped in banana leaves. However, it is different from the cooking trick of the TikTok account owner @anenganingsih.

In his upload, he said that the chicken meat and spices must be simmered until cooked. Yup, this is the key to making the chicken pepes not go stale quickly.

"First, simmer the chicken for 30 minutes," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from TikTok @anenganingsih on Monday (26/8).

Chicken and spices that are cooked before being processed into pepes will last longer than those that are still fresh. After investigating, if the chicken and spices are still fresh and immediately made into pepes, the pepes will quickly smell and easily go stale.

Tricks for making chicken pepes so they don't go bad easily  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@anenganingsih

After being simmered, the chicken and its spices are wrapped according to taste using banana leaves. Once done, the pepes can be steamed or grilled until perfectly cooked. The owner of the TikTok account @anenganingsih this time cooked her chicken pepes using the steaming technique, because she wanted to eat typical Sundanese pepes.

So, are you interested in trying this trick at home? Peeking at the comments column on @anenganingsih's TikTok upload, quite a few netizens were inspired by this trick. On the other hand, there are also those who share other tricks on cooking chicken pepes so that it doesn't go stale quickly.

" I'll cover it first so the spices don't smell ," said TikTok @regita kirani.

" My mom sells pepes, tips so that it doesn't go stale quickly, saut the yellow spices first until mateng, then stir them into the chicken ," said TikTok @Enoki.

" Bro, if I make it then it's already cooked, why is it pucey, but when it's raw, it's leaky... why's that, bro, please dbls ," asked TikTok @ratnasari.

" It means there's not enough turmeric..if you like it spicy..blend the turmeric and chilies to make the color beautiful, " replied the account owner.
