foto: YouTube/@Widiaisro Wati

In this way, processed purple eggplant will still look beautiful and fresh.

  3 Juni 2024 08:00 - Apart from being delicious and cheap, purple eggplant is also easy to process into a variety of delicious foods. Starting from penyet eggplant, asem-asem, eggplant balado, to stir-fry. Because the texture of its flesh is soft and its taste tends to be sweet, this type of vegetable is popular with many people.

Usually most eggplant dishes require 2 cooking processes. First, the eggplant is processed to make it softer. This method can be done by boiling or frying the eggplant first. Next, the eggplant can be cooked using spices according to taste.

Not infrequently people prefer to soften purple eggplant using the boiling technique. Not without reason, eggplant processed in this way is considered healthier. But you need to know that boiled eggplant usually changes color easily from bright to black.

This is because eggplants experience oxidation, a natural chemical process caused by oxygen being exposed to cut parts of the vegetable. As a result, the eggplant turns black. To minimize this, before boiling most people soak the purple eggplant in vinegar water.

However, without vinegar, it turns out there is another, no less practical way to keep purple eggplant bright and only rely on 1 kitchen ingredient. This method was shared by a YouTube netizen named @Widiaisro Wati.

" I want to give you tips on how to keep the color of the eggplant purple and fresh, " he said as reported by BrilioFood from the @Widiaisro Wati account, Friday (31/5).

Apparently the kitchen ingredient in question is salt. The method is to soak the eggplant in a salt solution.

tricks for cooking purple eggplant so it is bright and not black  2024

photo: YouTube/@Widiaisro Wati

First of all, put 1 teaspoon of salt into the container. Then stir so that the salt dissolves evenly. Next, cut the eggplant according to taste. By adding salt, it seems that the eggplant's consistency will remain good when cooked.

So, apart from soaking it in salt, this netizen also showed the correct trick for boiling purple eggplant so that the color doesn't change.

tricks for cooking purple eggplant so it is bright and not black  2024

photo: YouTube/@Widiaisro Wati

The method is to boil water in a pan over high heat. When it's boiling, add the eggplant pieces. Make sure the eggplant is skin side down, while the white flesh is facing the surface of the water. This method is done so that the purple eggplant remains bright in color.

tricks for cooking purple eggplant so it is bright and not black  2024

photo: YouTube/@Widiaisro Wati

" Behind it like this, the white one is on top. So the blue one is boiled so the color remains bright, " explained @Widiaisro Wati.

It doesn't take long, boiling purple eggplant can be done for 3 minutes. If so, remove it and put it in cold water. While lifting and draining the eggplant, make sure the heat is not turned off first.

Next, turn off the fire. The result is that the eggplant still looks fresh in color.

tricks for cooking purple eggplant so it is bright and not black  2024

photo: YouTube/@Widiaisro Wati

Then Widiaisro Wati continued to process the eggplant with additional sauce. He made the sauce from several ingredients. Starting from chopped garlic, chopped chilies, chopped spring onions, oyster sauce, soy sauce, sugar, salt, seasonings and hot water.

These ingredients are mixed by frying. When mixed well, pour the sauce over the surface of the eggplant. Eggplant dishes also look very tempting.

tricks for cooking purple eggplant so it is bright and not black  2024

photo: YouTube/@Widiaisro Wati

It's not surprising that many netizens are interested in the video. Among the more than 7.8 thousand viewers of the video, there were many other YouTube users who also commented directly.

" Thank you, mother, how to cook eggplant so that it remains very tempting purple, " wrote the account @user-tv5bl1lw7q

" Very inspiring content, the eggplant remains purple, " said the account

" This is a good tip, so that when you cook the eggplant the color doesn't change, " commented the account @khurilchenel7882

" That's great, bro, how to cook purple eggplant, Josss, it's definitely really delicious, " concluded the account @lasnocigar6605
