foto: TikTok/@dapurdiah1 - Papaya leaves are one of the vegetables that is popular with Indonesian people. Usually this leaf is consumed as fresh vegetables when eating rice and other side dishes. However, before eating, papaya leaves must be boiled first so that the texture is softer. Apart from that, the boiling process also aims to reduce the bitter taste of papaya leaves.
Basically, papaya leaves can be simply boiled in water until they are cooked and tender. However, if you don't boil it in the right way, the papaya leaves will still be bitter. To get rid of it, some people choose to add tamarind when boiling papaya leaves.
But you don't need to worry if you don't have tamarind stock at home, because there are still other tricks you can try to boil papaya leaves. This trick was demonstrated by TikTok user @dapurdiah1. In one of his uploads, he admitted that the bitter taste of papaya leaves can disappear even if tamarind is not added .
"This is a way to ensure that your papaya leaves are not bitter at all," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from TikTok @dapurdiah1 on Monday (15/4).
photo: TikTok/@dapurdiah1
First, prepare the papaya leaves to be cooked. The YouTube user used 5 papaya leaves. Then cut the base of the stem. After that, prepare a rather large tray or container. Then cut the papaya leaves.
"Because you want to knead this later, so use a container that is quite wide. So I cut this into small pieces so it's easy," he added.
photo: TikTok/@dapurdiah1
If so, add 2 tablespoons of coarse salt. Then squeeze the papaya leaves until they wilt slightly and the leaves are no longer stiff. Next, prepare a pan and boil water. When it boils, add the papaya leaves that were crushed earlier.
photo: TikTok/@dapurdiah1
"This is the secret, use ampo. This is made from dried soil. Make a hole in the plastic containing the ampo, then put the plastic in boiled papaya leaves," he explained.
When the ampoule has melted and has dissolved in water, take the plastic and continue boiling the papaya leaves until soft. When it is soft and ripe, turn off the heat on the stove and drain the papaya leaves.
photo: TikTok/@dapurdiah1
"Guaranteed that the papaya leaves are not bitter at all. Once they are, wash them clean then cut them into pieces and are ready to use," he concluded.
Boiled papaya leaves have a soft texture and the bitter taste has completely disappeared. The papaya leaves are ready to be processed into various delicious and appetizing dishes.
Are you interested in trying this trick?Benefits of clay for household use. Clay, or often called "bentonite", has several benefits for the household, including:
Clay can be used as a natural cleaner for various surfaces, such as floors, walls or household furniture. Mix clay with water to make a paste, then use this paste to clean dirty surfaces.
Clay can also be used as an absorbent for unpleasant odors, such as odors in cupboards or refrigerators. Place several small bowls filled with clay in places that need odor absorption.
Clay has the ability to absorb oil and grease spilled on surfaces, such as in the kitchen or garage. Sprinkle the clay on the oil or grease stain, let it sit for a while, then wipe it off.
Clay can be used as a natural thickener in cooking, especially in making sauces or curries. Mix the clay with a little water or stock to make a thickening solution.
Clay can help remove stains from fabric or other surfaces. Apply the clay paste to the stain, leave it for a while, then wash as usual.
Some people use clay as an ingredient in facial or body masks to help remove toxins from the skin. However, it is best to consult a beautician before using it.
Clay can be used as a natural pest control in gardens or plants. Sprinkle clay around the plant to help protect the plant from insects or other pests.