foto: YouTube/Dapur Mama Karin

In this way, the mucus on the catfish is completely gone.

  7 April 2024 10:30 - There are many types of fish that are usually consumed as daily side dishes, one of which is catfish. This fish is known to have a delicious taste and soft texture. Basically, catfish can be fried just like that after seasoning it with garlic and salt. Once cooked, catfish can be eaten immediately with rice and other side dishes.

Apart from that, catfish can also be processed into various types of delicious dishes, such as mangut lele, pecel catfish, and even made into rica-rica. Unfortunately, there are still many people who are reluctant to process their own catfish at home, because they cannot stand the fishy smell and the slime which is quite difficult to remove. Even though you have washed it with water, sometimes catfish slime still sticks to it, you know.

Finally, a number of people choose to use additional ingredients to wash them, such as whiting which is believed to make the surface of catfish rougher. But if you don't have a stock of whiting at home, you can copy the trick shared by YouTube user Dapur Mama Karin.

An effective way to remove catfish mucus using 2 kitchen ingredients  various sources

photo: YouTube/Mama Karin's Kitchen

Through one of his uploads, the account owner shows how to remove mucus from catfish without whiting. Instead, he only relied on two kitchen ingredients to get rid of it. Reported by BrilioFood on Sunday (7/4), the kitchen ingredients in question are salt and vinegar.

An effective way to remove catfish mucus using 2 kitchen ingredients  various sources

photo: YouTube/Mama Karin's Kitchen

First of all, prepare a container. The YouTube user also prepared 500 grams of catfish to be processed. If so, put the catfish into the container. Then pour a little water. Next, also add 1 tablespoon salt and 1 tablespoon vinegar. Then squeeze the fish to remove the mucus.

"Let it sit for about 10-15 minutes," he said.

An effective way to remove catfish mucus using 2 kitchen ingredients  various sources

photo: YouTube/Mama Karin's Kitchen

Once finished, let it sit, then wash the catfish thoroughly with running water until clean. The mucus on the catfish has completely disappeared.

"After cleaning, the catfish will look rough and no longer slippery. The catfish is ready to be processed according to taste," he concluded.

It's quite easy and practical, right? Even if you don't use whiting, catfish mucus can still be removed and clean. Catfish is ready to be processed into various appetizing dishes.

Benefits of salt for household use

Salt has various benefits for household purposes, including:

1. Natural cleaner.

Salt can be used as a natural cleaner for various surfaces, such as sinks, pans and faucets. Mix salt with a little water or vinegar to make an effective cleaning paste.

2. Stain remover.

Salt can help remove stains from fabric or other surfaces. Rub the salt on the wet stain, let it sit for a while, then brush or wash as usual.

3. Odor remover.

Salt can be used to remove unpleasant odors, such as smells in cupboards or in the refrigerator. Place small bowls of salt in places that need odor absorption.

4. Rust remover.

Salt can help remove rust from metal surfaces. Mix salt with a little water to make a paste, then apply it to the rusty area. Scrub with a sponge or metal brush, then rinse with clean water.

5. Color guard.

Salt can be used to keep the color of clothes bright. Add a pinch of salt to the water when washing colored clothes to prevent color fading.

6. Improve the kitchen.

Salt can be used to clean and remove unpleasant odors in the kitchen. Mix salt with vinegar or water to clean dirty or oily kitchen surfaces.

7. Melt snow and ice.

Salt can be used to melt snow and ice on roads or sidewalks. Sprinkle salt over snow or ice to help soften it and speed up the melting process.

8. Food preservatives.

Salt can be used as a natural preservative for food, such as in the process of smoking or salting food.
