foto: YouTube/Sylvia Fransisca

So that the stains don't develop into rust, this grate must be cleaned immediately using the right method.

  2 Juni 2024 15:30 - There are many uses for a grater, one of which is grinding turmeric to make it into herbal medicine. The process of grinding turmeric using a grater is much more economical, because it doesn't require any electricity from a blender at all. However, after using it to grate turmeric, the grate is usually covered in yellow stains that are difficult to remove.

Many people choose to soak freshly grated turmeric to grind the turmeric, so that the stain is easier to clean. However, this trick takes a lot of time. So, to make the process faster, you can try the trick shared by YouTube account user Sylvia Fransisca.

After all, to practice this trick, you only need one simple ingredient.

"It will shine again like new," said YouTube account owner Sylvia Fransisca, quoted by BrilioFood on Sunday (2/6).

How to clean turmeric stains on a grater.

So, prepare enough detergent powder. Yup, this detergent is the main ingredient for practicing this trick to remove turmeric stains on a grater. Sprinkle the turmeric-stained grate with enough detergent, then brush with wire wool or a special brush for cleaning kitchen utensils.

Tricks to remove turmeric stains on a grater  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Sylvia Fransisca

After brushing for a few moments, then rinse the grate. If there are still turmeric stains left, just repeat the same trick one more time. Finally, wash the grate again with water and dish soap until there is no more detergent remaining on the grate.

Tricks to remove turmeric stains on a grater  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Sylvia Fransisca

Wow, with this trick, you don't need to soak the grate anymore when you want to clean the turmeric stain, right?
