
One common problem is that the dough absorbs too much oil, resulting in the dough being too oily.

  7 Maret 2025 10:00 - When you want to snack, fried foods are often the main choice. Various types of fried foods such as tofu, banana, cassava, risol, bakwan, to tempeh are always tempting. One of many people's favorites is tempeh mendoan. Its savory taste, distinctive aroma, and soft texture on the inside but crispy on the outside, make tempeh mendoan so popular, especially when it is still warm.

Tempe mendoan is easy to find in various places, from street vendors, restaurants, to cafes. However, if you have free time, making it yourself at home can be a healthier and more practical choice. That way, you can ensure that the ingredients used are more hygienic and of course you can enjoy fresh tempe mendoan straight from the frying pan.

However, frying tempeh mendoan is not without its challenges. One problem that often occurs is that the flour mixture absorbs too much oil, so the result is too oily and less crispy. But don't worry, there is a simple trick that you can try so that tempeh mendoan remains crispy and does not absorb much oil.

First, prepare all the seasoning ingredients before making the tempeh mendoan dough. Puree the garlic, coriander, and salt using a mortar or blender until completely smooth. Then, cut the spring onions. Ghaziya explained that these spring onions should be increased so that the tempeh mendoan results are fragrant and look beautiful.

Tricks for frying mendoan tempeh so it doesn't absorb  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Ghaziya Warita

Next, just make the dough. In a bowl or basin, add enough flour. Ghaziya uses 10 tablespoons of flour for 10 pieces of tempeh. Next, add ground spices, flavoring, baking powder, and enough water so that the dough is not too runny or too thick.

"Use baking powder to make it crispy and not oily," explained Ghaziya.

The use of baking powder is indeed very effective in keeping fried foods from being too oily. Reported from, baking powder can produce gas bubbles around the dough later when fried. Well, these gas bubbles are what prevent the absorption of oil in tempe mendoan.

Tricks for frying mendoan tempeh so it doesn't absorb  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Ghaziya Warita

Once the dough is done, put all the tempeh pieces into it. Set aside to prepare the oil in the pan. Use enough oil, then heat it over medium to low heat. Tempeh mendoan can be fried immediately when the oil is really hot.

As reported by, it is important to fry food in really hot oil so that the fried food does not become soft and absorb too much oil. Then, if the bottom of the tempeh mendoan is already browned, you can turn it over and wait until the tempeh mendoan is cooked completely.

"The level of brownness is adjusted to taste, yes," said Ghaziya.

Tricks for frying mendoan tempeh so it doesn't absorb  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Ghaziya Warita

After the mendoan tempeh is cooked, drain it first, then serve it with soy sauce and chili sauce. How, the trick is really easy, right?

Tips to make mendoan tempeh more delicious

- Use Rice Flour: Mixing rice flour into the batter will make the fried food crispier and stay crispy longer.
- Proper Oil Temperature: Do not fry with oil that is too hot or too cold. Oil that is too hot can make the tempeh burnt on the outside but not cooked on the inside, while oil that is too cold makes the fried food absorb more oil.
- Use Clean Oil: Oil that has been used many times will make fried food become oily and dark in color more quickly.
- Add Stock Powder: If you want a more savory taste, you can add a little stock powder to the flour mixture.

With this trick, your homemade tempeh mendoan is guaranteed to be crispier, less oily, and of course tastier!
