foto: YouTube/@Kedai Rasa - Currently, there are many choices of snacks that you can enjoy, from sweet to savory. One of the favorite snacks of many people is lumpia. Usually, lumpia is filled with bamboo shoots or chicken, but you can also be creative with other fillings according to your taste.
Interestingly, spring roll skin is not only used to make spring rolls, but can also be processed into various other types of snacks. The good news is, you don't need to bother making your own spring roll skin because many people sell it. However, so that the spring roll skin remains durable and can be used at any time, its storage must be considered.
If not stored properly, spring roll skin can dry out, become moldy, or even smell bad. If that happens, of course the spring roll skin can no longer be used. With the right storage method, spring roll skin can last up to a month without being damaged.
photo: YouTube/@Kedai Rasa
As reported by BrilioFood from YouTube Kedai Rasa, the method is simply to use several sheets of tissue and a container. In the video, two sheets of dry tissue are seen placed on a flat surface. Then, several sheets of spring roll skin are stacked on top. Roll the spring roll skin until the entire surface is covered by dry tissue.
photo: YouTube/@Kedai Rasa
If so, set aside the dry tissue rolls on a plate or container that has been prepared. After all the spring roll skins have been rolled with dry tissue, you can put the rolls into plastic. You can store them at room temperature or in the refrigerator.
When stored in the refrigerator, spring roll skin will last longer up to a month in good condition. After investigating, rolling the spring roll skin with dry tissue has the purpose of absorbing the liquid still contained in the spring roll skin. This liquid causes the spring roll skin to easily grow mold and smell.
"The dry tissue can absorb the liquid that is still on the spring roll skin. This can minimize the growth of fungus on the spring roll skin," explained the owner of the video.
Additional tips to make spring roll skin last longer - Do not store spring roll wrappers near strong-smelling foods, such as onions or spices, as they can absorb unwanted odors.
- If the spring roll skin starts to feel dry, sprinkle a little water on it and cover with a damp cloth before using to make it pliable again.
- Buy spring roll skins in quantities that suit your needs, so you don't need to store them for too long.
- Use the refrigerated storage method if you want it to last longer, because in cold conditions, spring roll skin can last more than a month.
- If you want to store it in the freezer, make sure the spring roll skin is wrapped well so that it doesn't harden and remains flexible when you want to use it.