foto: YouTube/Chef Supri

Using young kluwek can make the dish taste bitter. Therefore, it is important to be more selective in choosing kluwek.

  6 Maret 2025 17:00 - One of the secrets of delicious cooking lies in the use of various herbs and spices. Not only adding flavor, herbs and spices also provide color and a distinctive aroma to the dish.

Of the many spices that are often used, one of them is kluwek. The name of kluwek varies in each region, some call it kluwek, pangi, kepayang, and so on.

Kluwek fruit has a hard skin, similar to candlenuts. However, kluwek has a delicious taste because it contains glutamic acid, a compound that is also found in cooking spices.

Because of its unique taste, kluwek is widely used in various dishes. Not only used for rawon , kluwek can also be a seasoning in fried rice, konro soup, pucung gabus, sambal, and various other menus.

However, according to Prof. Nuri Andarwulan, a researcher from the Southeast Asian Food and Agriculture Science and Technology (Seafast) Center, Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) IPB University, as quoted from, raw kluwek contains cyanide compounds in very high levels.

In addition, the use of young kluwek can make the dish taste bitter. Therefore, it is important to be more selective in choosing kluwek for rawon or other dishes. In addition to being left for several days before being processed, knowing the characteristics of quality kluwek is also something that needs to be considered.

Tips for choosing kluwek for rawon  2022

photo: YouTube/Chef Supri

Quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube/Chef Supri on Monday (10/24), the trick to choosing kluwek that does not produce a bitter taste is to touch them one by one. While weighing them using your fingers, make sure you choose a kluwek that is quite heavy. Because there are many kluwek that turn out to be hollow or have no contents.

Tips for choosing kluwek for rawon  2022

photo: YouTube/Chef Supri

If you have made sure the kluwek you choose has contents. You can immediately open the skin using a pestle or other tool. Make sure the kluwek has a solid black color and there is no white mold attached to it.

Tips for choosing kluwek for rawon  2022

photo: YouTube/Chef Supri

However, if you find kluwek that has white fungus in it, taste it first. If the kluwek does not taste bitter, you can still use it. On the other hand, if the kluwek tastes bitter, it is better to just make it.

How to process kluwek so that it is safe and more delicious

After selecting quality kluwek, the next step is to process it properly so that it is safe to consume and provides maximum flavor to the dish. Here are some ways that can be done:

1. Soak the kluwek before use

Peeled kluwek should be soaked in warm water for a few hours or overnight. This process helps reduce the content of harmful compounds and ensures that the kluwek is softer and easier to mash.

2. Dry the kluwek to reduce cyanide

If you are still unsure about the cyanide content in kluwek, you can dry it in the sun for a few days. The heat of the sun helps reduce the levels of toxins naturally, making it safer to consume.

3. Cook kluwek at high temperature

Kluwek should be cooked at high temperatures, such as by boiling it with rawon sauce or other dishes for a long time. High heat can help break down harmful substances in kluwek.

4. Strain the kluwek before mixing it into the dish.

Once mashed, kluwek can be filtered first to ensure that the texture is soft and there are no parts that are still rough or contain dirt. This also helps to avoid unwanted bitter tastes in cooking.
