
It doesn't stick to the pan, but it also doesn't fall apart.

  8 Juli 2024 21:00 - Taro is one type of tuber that is often processed by people. Not only is it delicious steamed, this tuber is also suitable for frying. Fried taro is even a snack that is suitable for consumption at any time.

How to make fried taro is also fairly easy. Taro that has been washed clean can be immediately mashed and then mixed with flour and spices. Once done, shape the taro mixture according to your taste.
Then fry the taro mixture in hot oil.

Even though it sounds easy, sometimes the fried taro dough actually sticks to the pan. If you turn it over with force, the fried taro is at risk of breaking. If it crumbles, the fried taro won't be as attractive when served.

So that the fried taro doesn't stick to the pan and is crispier than usual, you can copy the method for making fried taro shown by Instagram user @andjani_cen. Apart from the recipe, the netizen also showed a tutorial for making fried taro.

Reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @andjani_cen on Monday (8/7), peel the taro, wash it clean and grate it coarsely. Once done, mix the grated taro with 3 tablespoons of Medan tauco, 5 tablespoons of tapioca flour, 2 teaspoons of mushroom stock, 150 grams of finely dried shrimp, and 4 finely ground garlic cloves. Stir until all ingredients are completely mixed.

Fried taro using additional cool juice  2024

photo: Instagram/@andjani_cen

To make the results crispier and last longer, this netizen also added a drink powder to the fried taro mixture. The powdered drink in question is 2 packs of Ad** S*ri. According to the video owner, adding this drink powder can make fried food remain crispy even if it is cold.

Fried taro using additional cool juice  2024

photo: Instagram/@andjani_cen

Stir then roll the fried taro mixture into balls using your hands. If so, immediately put it in hot cooking oil. Because the batter is not liquid, the fried taro doesn't stick to the surface of the pan.

Fried taro using additional cool juice  2024

photo: Instagram/@andjani_cen

Once it looks a bit dry, turn the fried taro back and forth. The goal is so that the fried taro can cook evenly. When it is brown, immediately remove it and drain it.

Fried taro using additional cool juice  2024

photo: Instagram/@andjani_cen

The cooked fried taro looks very crispy. When cut open by hand, the inside of this fried dish looks soft.
