Dating for 15.5 years finally got married, this man's wedding moment was emotional, it was called the real struggle
Deliberately bringing Tiara Andini to his wedding to surprise his wife, this man's action makes him jealous
The wedding capital was less than IDR 3 million, this couple proves that marriage is not as complicated as people say
The emotional moment when a mother attends the wedding of her child's ex-lover, her attitude towards the bride and groom makes her cry
Between his dreams and parental devotion, this man does not regret leaving his dream job to take care of his mother
The story of Alif, an orphan who runs 5 KM every day to go to school, now he gets help from the Regent of Jember
The moment an elementary school child sent a letter asking the police to take his semester report card, the reason made him touched
The domestic worker's child wants to go to college but doesn't get the scholarship, this employer is willing to pay for it until he graduates
How to exchange new money at the bank for Eid, no need to wait until Hari Raya approaches
Previously market traders have now become crazy rich in Makassar, here are 9 portraits of the luxurious kitchen of skincare boss Fenny Frans
Previously lived in a rented house, 11 portraits of skincare boss Mami Sultan's one-pillar house for IDR 100 million
9 This portrait of Fitno Fabulous' Crazy Rich Pondok Indah's bathroom amazes you, there is a TV behind the mirror
This 4,500 square meter house, 7 bathroom portraits of Monica Soraya 'Crazy Rich Cilandak' has a TV
The house used to be simple, now it has been renovated into a palace, take a peek at the 9 transformations of Happy Asmara's kitchen
A letter of introduction to Gilga Sahid and Happy Asmara's marriage is circulating, the birth dates of both are highlighted
Gilga Sahid joined forces to defend Happy Asmara when he was ridiculed by netizens, his call was unfortunately in the spotlight
Making a scene when performing together, 9 moments Happy Asmara and Gilga Sahid openly admit that they are married
Hilarious moment of fathers applying hairspray on their own H-1 important event, the result made the family panic
Instead of quenching your thirst, the sight of this young coconut ice actually makes you think twice, are you sure you want it?
Tricks to trick children into thinking their mother has already eaten, suitable for Mageran people
The funny trick of making the child think that the mother has eaten, suitable for the Mageran people
9 Moments Chelsea Islan and a number of Indonesian celebrities welcomed Pope Francis, wearing matching white clothes
Living in Bali, her house is typical of a village style, here are 9 portraits of Happy Salma's outdoor area with a strong ethnic feel
The film Lembayung will be released soon, a story of terror at a haunted dental clinic on the outskirts of Yogyakarta
This girl recorded the appearance of legs hanging from the top floor of a building, the fact has sparked debate
The true story of Sinden Sarinten's terror from Trenggalek is packaged in the film "Sinden Gaib"
Don't just dry it in the sun, here's a trick to remove the musty smell from your helmet using 1 additional kitchen ingredient.
Just add 1 food ingredient, this is how to clean the helmet glass so that it shines without fear of scratches.
Without special liquid, here's a trick to clean a cloudy helmet visor to make it clearer again using 1 kitchen ingredient.
No need for special ingredients, here's a trick to clean black stains on your helmet using just 1 additional kitchen ingredient.