YouTube/suci cah Tegal

On dark colored clothes, deodorant stains can leave a white color.

  1 Maret 2024 13:00 - Many people use deodorant to minimize unpleasant odors in the armpits. However, along with its use, it turns out that deodorant can also leave marks on clothes or clothing.

The underarms of the clothes look dirty because of the remaining deodorant stuck to them. On dark colored clothes, deodorant stains can leave a white color. Meanwhile, on bright colored clothes, deodorant stains will leave a yellow to brownish color.

Well, deodorant stains are notoriously difficult to clean, if you only wash them with water and detergent.

As a solution, a number of people use additional ingredients such as citrus and clothes bleach to remove the stain. Not a few also brush their clothes vigorously so that the deodorant stains are completely removed. But if you use this method, there is a risk that your clothes will stretch and tear, especially in the armpits .

Well, a netizen via YouTube, Suci Cah Tegal, admitted that he has an effective trick for removing deodorant stains from underarms, you know. After all, this trick can be practiced without having to brush your clothes vigorously, you know.

trick to remove deodorant stains from underarms, add 1 kitchen ingredient  various sources

photo: YouTube/suci cah Tegal

Apart from that, he also added one kitchen ingredient which is the main key to removing stains, namely vegetable oil. First of all, prepare a bucket, then first wet the clothes to be washed with plain water.

trick to remove deodorant stains from underarms, add 1 kitchen ingredient  various sources

photo: YouTube/suci cah Tegal

"Wet the clothes you want to wash first, then add any brand of free vegetable oil. Pour just a little on the clothes that have stains and spread evenly," said YouTube Suci Cah Tegal, reported by BrilioFood on Friday (1/3).

Apart from adding vegetable oil, the YouTube user also added dabbing soap on top. Spread the soap all over the underarm area of the shirt that is stained with deodorant. After that, I gently checked the armpits of the clothes with my hands.

trick to remove deodorant stains from underarms, add 1 kitchen ingredient  various sources

photo: YouTube/suci cah Tegal

When washing the underarm area which was covered in yellow stains from deodorant, the YouTube user appeared to apply vegetable oil and dabbing soap twice. That way, the yellow stains from the deodorant will slowly start to fade. After you have finished checking, continue washing and drying the clothes as usual. Guaranteed deodorant stains will automatically disappear even if you don't brush.

trick to remove deodorant stains from underarms, add 1 kitchen ingredient  various sources

photo: YouTube/suci cah Tegal

So, are you interested in trying this trick to remove deodorant stains from the armpits of your clothes? Taking a peek at the YouTube user's upload, the uploaded video has been watched 30 thousand times, you know. There were also several netizens who wrote their responses via the comments column.

"Wow, you're really creative, sis," commented the account @wongtegal6460.

"Very useful..thank you, sis, greetings," said the account @pradesatv77.

"Thank you for the info," wrote the account @Jieanindya1414.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.