foto: YouTube/dokter andi official

Without other additional ingredients, this 1 type of plant can help brighten lips naturally.

  19 Februari 2024 05:00 - Everyone probably dreams of naturally bright and red lips. The reason is, red lips are an indicator of health and a sign of a person's natural beauty. Unfortunately, problems such as dull and dry lips are often an obstacle that most people have to overcome. This condition makes them look for effective tricks to make their lips red again naturally.

Not without reason, the appearance of dull, dark-looking lips can be caused by various factors. Starting from lack of humidity to frequent exposure to sunlight. Therefore, it is important to recognize the cause of dull lips before looking for ways to overcome them.

1. Lack of moisture on the lips.

This is the initial factor that makes your lips change color. You need to know, these lips have few oil glands compared to the skin on other parts of the body. This condition makes lips dry and chapped easily if they are not hydrated enough.

2. Sun exposure.

The next factor is excessive exposure to sunlight. This condition can cause lips to become dry and dull. You need to know, UV rays can damage the skin of the lips and cause increased melanin production which can cause the lips to look dark.

3. Lips are dehydrated and lack nutrition.

The next factor is caused by dehydrated lips and lack of nutrition. Lack of fluids in the body can cause lips to become dry and dull. Drink enough water every day to keep your body hydrated and prevent dry lips.

Meanwhile, nutritional deficiencies, such as vitamins and minerals, namely vitamin B and iron, can cause discoloration of the lips. To maintain nutrition for your lips, make sure you always consume foods high in vitamins so that your lips remain naturally red .

You need to avoid these factors so that your lips don't become dull. If you already have dull lips, you need to do some routine maintenance. Such as using moisturizer, protecting it from sun exposure, and drinking enough water.

Apart from that, you can also balance your treatment without using lip balm. As a solution, you can use a mask made from aloe vera, as shown by the official YouTube channel/doctor Andi. The YouTube channel owner who works as a doctor shows how to use aloe vera as a lip mask.

Aloe vera contains compounds that can brighten lips.

effective trick to make lips naturally red. various sources

photo: YouTube/doctor Andi official

Aloe vera contains various antioxidant compounds such as vitamins A, C, and E, as well as flavonoids and tannins. This antioxidant helps fight free radicals that can cause skin damage and speed up the aging process, thereby helping maintain the brightness and beauty of the lips.

In addition, aloe vera contains salicylic acid which is a natural ingredient with exfoliating or exfoliating properties. This content helps remove dead skin cells from the surface of the lips, thereby improving the texture and color of the lips, and making them look more naturally red.

Not only that, several studies show that aloe vera can help reduce hyperpigmentation or melanin buildup on the skin, including the lips. By reducing the appearance of uneven pigmentation, aloe vera can help lips look redder and healthier.

Can aloe vera make lips moist and dull-free?

effective trick to make lips naturally red. various sources

photo: YouTube/doctor Andi official

As you know, aloe vera is a natural ingredient that has many benefits. One thing you need to know is that aloe vera has natural moisturizing properties that can help moisturize dry and dull lips.

The high water content in aloe vera helps maintain the natural moisture of the lip skin and prevents it from drying out. Reporting from stylecraze-com, aloe vera contains amino acids and mucopolysaccharides which can hydrate the skin. These two ingredients can soften dry and hard skin cells.

Meanwhile, its anti-inflammatory and soothing properties can help reduce inflammation and irritation on the lips. This can help speed healing of dry, inflamed lips, as well as reduce the appearance of dull lips.

For those of you who want to try using aloe vera to treat dull lips, let's look at the steps below as summarized by from Doctor Andi Official's YouTube channel, Monday (19/2).


- Aloe vera

How to use:

effective trick to make lips naturally red. various sources

photo: YouTube/doctor Andi official

1. Apply aloe vera gel to the surface of the lips
2. Leave the aloe vera gel until it dries
3. Rinse using warm water
4. Repeat the use of aloe vera gel approximately twice a week.
