Don't just dry it in the sun, here's a trick to remove the musty smell from your helmet using 1 additional kitchen ingredient.
Just add 1 food ingredient, this is how to clean the helmet glass so that it shines without fear of scratches.
Without special liquid, here's a trick to clean a cloudy helmet visor to make it clearer again using 1 kitchen ingredient.
No need for special ingredients, here's a trick to clean black stains on your helmet using just 1 additional kitchen ingredient.
45 This hilarious portrait of a person wearing a helmet is so absurd that it makes other drivers lose focus, it's ridiculous
Her house is magnificent and super spacious like a palace, these 9 portraits of Liliana Tanoesoedibjo's kitchen are classic with wooden nuances
Secretly marrying a Jordanian woman, Sabda Ahessa's story of choosing to migrate and being reluctant to date is in the spotlight again
Confessing that guidance must be received, Paula Verhoeven reveals the reason for wearing the hijab
Happy to receive the surprise news of Via Vallen's pregnancy, these 7 latest portraits of Chevra Yolandi make me wonder
Every year, the theme changes, 9 portraits of the Christmas interior of Sandra Dewi's house before her husband was caught up in tin corruption
The auto bedroom makeover method is similar to a hotel style, only using simple materials, capital of only IDR 100 thousand
Proof that mothers are always creative, here's how to makeover a room into an American style with a capital of IDR 100 thousand
Don't rush to throw it away, this woman uses used cosmetic containers to make aesthetic decorations
The film Lembayung will be released soon, a story of terror at a haunted dental clinic on the outskirts of Yogyakarta
The story of a girl who was terrorized for 10 years by a junior high school friend because of Rp. 5,000 makes me shiver and emotional.
5 Reasons why you must watch the film Pemandi Jenazah, feel the sensation of terror that is tense and suspenseful
This driver was e-Tilanged because the pillion rider was not wearing a helmet, the tall figure was suspected to be pocong
This girl recorded the appearance of legs hanging from the top floor of a building, the fact has sparked debate
Coming to Indonesia May 22 2024, the film Malam Penabut Jiwa will be shown in 10 countries
The story of pesugihan, the horror film Temurun releases official poster & trailer ready to be shown May 30 2024
9 Portrait of the kitchen of Hengky Kurniawan's house which is now elegant, simple without a luxurious kitchen set