
Don't judge something from the outside alone~

  29 Juni 2024 13:30

Brilio.net - The increasingly high prices of food and basic necessities mean that a number of foods are sold at high prices. Not only in Indonesia, Malaysia also experiences this condition. But unfortunately, the high price of food sold is sometimes not commensurate with the quality of the food .

This was felt by a netizen who owns the TikTok account @alisssfd89. Through one of the uploaded videos, the man behind the TikTok account shared the unfortunate moment he felt when buying a jam sandwich. In the 42 second video, he admitted that the small jam bread was bought for 12 RM (Malaysian Ringgit). If converted into rupiah, this amount reaches approximately IDR 41 thousand.

Reported by BrilioFood from the TikTok account @alisssfd89 on Saturday (29/6), initially this jam bread looked normal like bread in general. Between two layers of soft bread, there is blueberry jam on the right and left sides. Overflowing jam usually indicates that the inside of the bread is full of jam too.

man buys jam bread Rp. 41 thousand  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@alisssfd89

But who would have thought, when opened, the contents did not match expectations. There was no jam on the inside of the bread. There is only a little cream spread very thinly.

Apparently, the blueberry jam was only spread on the edge or edges of the bread so that it was visible from the outside. This certainly deceives buyers, including the man who owns the TikTok account @alisssfd89 and his friends.

"What kind of bread is this, damn it. That's cheating," he said.

man buys jam bread Rp. 41 thousand  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@alisssfd89

A friend also said that the small bread cost 12RM or Rp. 41 thousand. All the bread sold has the same filling, namely a little jam on the edge and a thin layer of cream on the inside. Of course it's not worth it if the bread is sold at such a high price.

"They deceive us through our eyes, but they cannot deceive our mouths," concluded one person in the video uploaded by the TikTok account @alisssfd89.

man buys jam bread Rp. 41 thousand  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@alisssfd89

Since it was uploaded on June 16, this video has been watched more than 1 million times. After investigating, there were many netizens who rubbed their chests when they saw the appearance of the jam bread. How could it not be, everyone who saw it certainly felt cheated seeing the jam bread being sold at a high price.

"If you want to get rich quickly... just buy it once (if you want to get rich quickly, just buy it once)," said TikTok @mrxbx.

"Eat rice, you're full, bro (make you eat rice, you're full, bro)," wrote the TikTok account @zuljee08.

"His name is lipstick bread...he puts cream on the lip of the bread ja (this is called lipstick bread, he just puts the cream near the lip of the bread)," explained TikTok @Musli_Mikey.

"I once got a salad sandwich with the core at the end (I also once got a salad sandwich with the filling only at the end)," commented the TikTok account @momokodomocat.

"It's not a scam, bro, it's just that the seller makes cakes like that (it's not a trick, bro, it's just that the seller makes cakes like that)," said TikTok @kak_koi.

URL: https://www.tiktok.com/@alisssfd89/video/7381056386232306960
