Unsplash/Hjalte Gregersen

The bottom of the pan has a thin layer quickly, because it is often exposed to stove fire.

  28 Juni 2024 23:59

Brilio.net - Pans that have been used repeatedly can experience a decline in quality, from their appearance turning dirty to the coating becoming thin. Usually, the bottom of the pan is the one whose layer quickly becomes thinner, because it is often exposed to stove fire. Over time, the bottom of the pan, which is already very thin, can develop holes and leak.

When they find a leaking pan, quite a few people are confused about how to fix it. In the end, the leaking pan ends up in the trash and is replaced with a new one. In fact, a leaking pan can still be repaired yourself at home with simple tools so that it functions well again, you know.

One way to patch a leaking pan was shared by YouTube account user Ontoi Creative. This man explained that there is a simple way to patch a leaking pan because you can get the tools without capital.

A simple way to patch it only relies on 1 simple tool  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Ontoi Creative

Before starting to patch, first grease the leaking pan with toothpaste, then smooth it with a clean cloth. Next, prepare 1 used packaging for flavoring made from aluminum. Yup, kitchen waste, namely used spice packaging or other things, is the main tool for patching this leaking pan.

"I use used packaging for flavorings, so it's cheap and without capital," said the owner of the YouTube account Ontoi Creative, quoted by BrilioFood on Friday (28/6).

The used packaging scissors make it round and larger in size than the leak source hole in the pan.

A simple way to patch it only relies on 1 simple tool  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Ontoi Creative

After that, attach the piece of flavoring packaging to the area of the pan that is leaking. Hold the edges with your fingers while burning the aluminum with a lighter. The fire from the match will help the aluminum packaging stick firmly and cover the leak in the pan.

A simple way to patch it only relies on 1 simple tool  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Ontoi Creative

After heating with a lighter, gently smooth the pot filling with your fingers. Then, try filling the pan with water. If there is no more water dripping from the bottom of the pan, it means you have successfully practiced this method.

A simple way to patch it only relies on 1 simple tool  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Ontoi Creative

Wow, this method of patching a leaking pan is really interesting, isn't it? Taking a peek at the comments column on Ontoi Creative's YouTube upload which has been watched 282 thousand times, several netizens admitted they were enthusiastic about trying this method, you know. On the other hand, there are also those who share other alternative ways to deal with leaking pans.

"Exactly what happened was like this... the stainless steel pan for steaming rice was leaking... using a patch the pan still leaked... because the hole was quite big... long story short, finally I patched it using a rivet... it had to be drilled first "Then it was removed. It's a bit of a capital investment... but it's permanent... but it's only for steaming rice... because the tip of the rinwvet nail sticks out on the inside," explained YouTube @ibhun5525.

"If I just need to heat the pan quickly on the stove, once it's hot, immediately stick the masako wrapper with a cloth or cloth so that my hands don't get hot, guaranteed to stick firmly and won't leak again," said YouTube @shanummedina.

"If you wash it and rub it, it won't come off," asked YouTube @bhillalibra5867 and got the answer from the video owner, "no, bro."
