HL1: TikTok/@hanichelin

Later, if you use a juice blender, it won't smell like onions.

  29 Juni 2024 10:30

Brilio.net - For a number of people, a blender is a mandatory tool in the kitchen to make it easier to grind food and drink ingredients, for example juices, herbs, chili sauce, and cooking spices. So, for those of you who like to grind spices using a blender in the kitchen, it seems like you often get a persistent onion smell in your blender, right?

This is normal, because, as reported by thegarlicfarm.co.uk, onions contain certain substances, for example allicin in garlic , which is an active sulfur substance and its aroma can last a long time in the blender.

The onion smell in this blender is usually difficult to remove even after washing it using dish soap . So, if you often get annoyed when you experience this, a trick from netizen on the TikTok account @hanichelin looks like it could be a useful solution.

Ingredients needed to clean the onion smell in the blender.

This quick trick to get rid of the smell of onions in a blender in seconds  Various sources

photo: TikTok/@hanichelin

According to him, there are two kitchen ingredients that can be used to get rid of the onion smell in the blender. The ingredients in question are flour and salt. Immediately put the two ingredients in the blender glass. Then, add enough water so that the flour and salt are covered.

"We put in 1/2 cup (cup) of wheat flour, then we put in 1 tablespoon (tbsp) of salt," he explained, quoted by BrilioFood from TikTok @hanichelin on Friday (27/6).

This quick trick to get rid of the smell of onions in a blender in seconds  Various sources

photo: TikTok/@hanichelin

Next, turn on the blender as you would when grinding normal food ingredients. Let the flour, salt and water spin in the blender for a few seconds, then turn the blender off.

Well, the owner of the TikTok account @hanichelin said that because it has been added with flour and salt, the blender is now free from the smell of onions or the aroma of other stubborn food ingredients. Finally, just rinse the blender glass with water and soap as usual.

This quick trick to get rid of the smell of onions in a blender in seconds  Various sources

photo: TikTok/@hanichelin
