Brilio.net - Routine cooking activities provide various positive benefits for life. Cooking can stimulate the brain to learn new cooking techniques and ingredients, reduce stress levels, and save money. The process of learning to cook for beginners is often colored by various failures that are natural.
Burnt, undercooked, too sweet, or too salty dishes are common failures. The problem of over-salted dishes is one of the most common obstacles encountered. Adding water is not the right solution because it can change the overall taste of the dish and make it bland.
A catering entrepreneur named @tehnickekania shared her experience in overcoming salty food through her TikTok account. Years of experience in the catering business have given her a variety of cooking tricks. The trick to overcoming salty food that she shared is an alternative to using potatoes , which are commonly known.
"This hack has been famous since the beginning when I started cooking," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from TikTok @tehnickekania on Tuesday (12/11).
So, if you don't have a stock of potatoes, you can overcome salty dishes using raw eggs that are still in their shells. The netizen who is familiarly called Nicke explained, just like potatoes, eggs are also suitable for use in soup dishes. After the eggs are added to the dish, let them sit for a while so that the eggs can absorb the excess saltiness, then the eggs can be set aside.
photo: TikTok/@tehnickekania
"Just like potatoes, eggs absorb salt," Nicke emphasized.
On the other hand, as reported by onmanorama.com, there are also other ingredients that can also be used to overcome salty dishes. For example, rice that has been formed into balls, tofu, milk, onions, vinegar, or sugar.
photo: TikTok/@tehnickekania
How, is this trick to overcome salty food really easy? Peeking at @tehnickekania's TikTok upload that has been watched 5,000 times, there are indeed not many netizens who have left comments. However, there is one who asked for further tricks about this one trick.
"If the stir-fried food is too salty, how do you fix it, Ma'am?" asked TikTok @Wirya Med and was replied by the account owner, "you have to add water.. whether you like it or not, you have to throw away the salt water.. make new seasoning."
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