foto: Instagram/@isty_saricakes

The aroma is tempting, the taste is addictive.

  14 Juni 2024 01:00 - Onde-onde has a round shape as its characteristic. The filling can also be adjusted to suit your taste, such as chocolate, green beans, cheese, and many more. Not only the filling, you can actually create onde-onde skin, one of which is pandan flavored.

Pandan onde-onde has green skin. Apart from being more fragrant, this market snack is also more interesting to serve. Rather than fail, here is the pandan onde-onde recipe that BrilioFood has reported from Instagram @isty_saricakes.

single market snack recipe 1-4  2024

photo: Instagram/@isty_saricakes

Leather Material:
- 250 gr sticky rice flour
- 50 gr cornstarch
- 100 gr steamed potatoes, mashed
- 50 gr granulated sugar
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 1/4 tsp double acting baking powder
- 220 ml pandan juice plus warm water

Filling ingredients:
- 150 gr green beans, peeled, steamed and ground
- 75 gr granulated sugar
- 75 ml coconut milk
- A pinch of salt
- Pandan leaves
- sesame to taste
- The oil for frying

How to make:
1. Skin: Mix all ingredients together, stir well and knead until smooth.
2. Filling: cook granulated sugar and coconut milk until the sugar dissolves, add the steamed and mashed green beans. Stir until smooth and smooth. Remove, let it warm slightly, then round it to fill the onde-onde.
3. Take enough dough, round and flatten it, then fill it. Round again. Then roll in the sesame seeds until evenly mixed, do this until the dough is finished.
4. Fry in heated oil over low heat until cooked.
