Facebook/Fitri Rahmawati

Judging from the cooking process, vegetable lodeh can basically be made with simple ingredients.

  14 Mei 2024 17:01

Brilio.net - Sayur lodeh is a traditional Indonesian dish that is full of flavor and rich in nutritional value. This dish is made from various types of vegetables cooked in coconut milk sauce, it tastes savory and slightly sweet. Lodeh vegetables are often a choice for everyday meals or dishes at special celebrations because their deliciousness can pamper the taste buds .

Judging from the cooking process, vegetable lodeh can basically be made with simple ingredients, for example eggplant, long beans, chayote and chopped carrots. However, one thing that makes vegetable lodeh so delicious is the sauce made from coconut milk and traditional spices. So, using coconut milk is an important key that makes vegetable lodeh taste delicious and creamy.

Unfortunately, the use of coconut milk also makes the lodeh vegetables go stale quickly, you know. Not without reason, coconut milk is a food ingredient that easily spoils and spoils, especially if it is not cooked properly. This also has the potential to make lodeh vegetables tend to go stale quickly in just a few hours.

Usually lodeh vegetables that are stale will be marked by a change in aroma and taste which tends to be sour. So, if you find that lodeh vegetables are almost stale (not really stale), there is a trick you can do so that this food can be consumed safely. One way is to add a little baking soda to the vegetable lodeh.

Well, apart from baking soda, there are other ingredients that are no less effective in restoring the freshness of lodeh vegetables. This material was used by the Facebook account owner Fitri Rahmawati. Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he only relied on one kitchen spice.

tricks to save lodeh vegetables that are almost stale  Facebook

photo: Facebook/Fitri Rahmawati

The trick to saving lodeh vegetables that are almost stale is using 1 kitchen spice.

Reported by BrilioFood on Tuesday (14/5), the kitchen spice in question is garlic. Basically, garlic contains the compound allicin, which is released when garlic is crushed or chopped. Allicin has strong antimicrobial properties and can inhibit the growth of bacteria, viruses, or fungi.

How to use garlic is quite easy. First of all, take 3 cloves of garlic (the amount is adjusted to the portion of vegetables). Then peel and wash the garlic.

tricks to save lodeh vegetables that are almost stale  Facebook

photo: Facebook/Fitri Rahmawati

Once washed, crush the garlic one by one. Then immediately add it to the vegetable lodeh while it is warmed. Cook or reheat the lodeh vegetables until the garlic wilts. That way, the taste of the lodeh vegetables will be fresh again and safe to consume.

tricks to save lodeh vegetables that are almost stale  Facebook

photo: Facebook/Fitri Rahmawati

So, please note that this method should only be done once. So just when the lodeh vegetables were almost stale for the first time. If you have previously reheated it and the vegetables are stale, throw them away immediately because the cholesterol levels in these lodeh vegetables are already high, so they are not suitable for consumption.

Having been watched more than 75 thousand times, this video about tricks for saving lodeh vegetables that are almost stale immediately caught the attention of netizens. It's not surprising that many other Facebook users are interested in trying this trick directly. This was expressed directly through the comments column.

"Ready to try too," said Facebook Deka Yeni Agusti.

"Wow... That's good, bro.. Thank you for the tips," posted Dita Ntuw Manieze on Facebook.

"Thanks for the tips, bro," said Facebook's Cindy Korompot.

"Is it okay later, Bun," asked Meera Ummu Ahnaf's Facebook account.

"Almost stale means just a little change, Bun, not what's already stale. If it's already stale, you can't," answered Facebook user Fitri Rahmawati.

Tips for cooking lodeh vegetables so they don't spoil easily.

Sayur lodeh is a traditional Indonesian dish that is rich in flavor and nutritious. However, lodeh vegetables can quickly go stale if they are not processed and stored properly. Here are some tips for cooking lodeh vegetables so they don't spoil easily.

1. Use fresh ingredients.

Make sure all ingredients, especially vegetables and coconut milk, are fresh. Fresh ingredients last longer than ingredients that have been stored for a long time.

2. Wash the ingredients thoroughly.

Before cooking, wash all vegetables and other ingredients with running water to remove dirt and bacteria that may be attached.

3. Cook to the right temperature.

Make sure to cook the lodeh vegetables until they are completely cooked. Sufficient heat will kill bacteria that can cause rot.

4. Don't add coconut milk too early.

Add the coconut milk at the final stage of cooking and make sure to boil it briefly so that the coconut milk cooks completely and doesn't go stale quickly.

5. Use clean equipment.

Make sure pans, spoons and all cooking utensils are clean. Dirty utensils can carry bacteria that cause food to spoil quickly.

6. Store at proper room temperature.

After cooking, let the lodeh vegetables reach room temperature before storing. Avoid leaving it at room temperature for too long, especially if the weather is hot.

7. Store in the refrigerator.

Lodeh vegetables should be stored in the refrigerator if they are not finished in one meal. Store in a tightly closed container to prevent contamination.

8. Reheat before eating.

If you store vegetable lodeh in the refrigerator, make sure to reheat it until it boils before eating. Reheating will kill any bacteria that may have developed during storage.

9. Do not mix raw ingredients.

If you add raw ingredients such as basil leaves or fresh chilies, do it when the lodeh vegetables are cooked and ready to be served. Raw materials can speed up the decay process.
