Banana flower is known as an alkaline food that can neutralize stomach acid. SEE MORE...
How to cook banana heart like meat, this is the secret seasoning you must try
Without peeling them one by one, here's a trick to clean banana flower petals to save time, it only takes 1 minute.
Tricks to prevent boiled banana blossom from turning black even without adding salt
Just use 2 kitchen ingredients, here's a trick to boil banana blossom so it doesn't turn black and the color stays bright.
Only rely on 1 kitchen ingredient, here's how to boil banana blossoms so that the color remains white and not bitter
Without adding baking soda, here's a trick for boiling banana blossoms so they turn white using 1 kitchen spice
Instead of baking soda, this is a trick for boiling banana blossoms so that the color remains white using 2 kitchen ingredients
Just use 1 kitchen ingredient, this is the trick for boiling banana blossoms so that the color remains pure white