YouTube/KULINER icip Rasa

Really understand the trick of making fried chicken so it doesn't fail.

  10 Agustus 2024 13:30 - Fried chicken or crispy chicken is often used as a mainstay side dish to be eaten with rice. Many restaurants or street vendors have sold this dish, but you can also make it yourself at home. Making fried chicken at home automatically saves money, because the capital is cheaper than buying ready-made ones.

However, many people still don't know the tricks around making fried chicken. As a result, when trying it, the fried chicken mixture becomes lumpy and hard after being fried. Well, you can try the trick from YouTube user KULINER icip Rasa so that the fried chicken can be crispy.

The owner of the YouTube account KULINER icip Rasa is known to be a fried chicken trader, so he really understands the trick of making fried chicken flour so that it doesn't fail. According to him, the key to crispy and not hard fried chicken is in the technique of adding flour.

Tricks for crispy and crunchy fried chicken  YouTube

photo: YouTube/CULINARY icip Rasa

Before going into the trick, make sure the chicken pieces that will be made into fried chicken have been seasoned and marinated. Then put the chicken into a container filled with flour. Make sure the flour you use is a lot, because if there is not enough flour, it will easily clump together.

Gently toss the chicken with the flour until the entire surface of the chicken is evenly coated. Do not press the chicken too hard, because that also risks making the flour clump.

Tricks for crispy and crunchy fried chicken  YouTube

photo: YouTube/CULINARY icip Rasa

After being floured, transfer the chicken to a container filled with water. Yup, the owner of the YouTube account KULINER icip Rasa only uses plain water without any additional spices or other ingredients, because the chicken has been seasoned at the beginning. Then, drain the chicken.

"The way to drain it must be completely clean from the water, if there is still a lot of water, it can also cause the flour to clump," said the owner of the YouTube account KULINER icip Rasa, quoted by BrilioFood on Saturday (10/8).

Tricks for crispy and crunchy fried chicken  YouTube

photo: YouTube/CULINARY icip Rasa

Before continuing the flouring process, the remaining flour can be sieved first using a fine sieve, so that the texture is smooth and there are no lumps. Then put the chicken in the flour and stir again until evenly coated.

Tricks for crispy and crunchy fried chicken  YouTube

photo: YouTube/CULINARY icip Rasa

After the chicken is floured, fry it in a pan filled with hot oil. Make sure you use a lot of oil so that the fried chicken is cooked perfectly. Well, guaranteed, because the chicken has been coated with a non-lumpy batter, the result will not be hard after being fried later.

Once the fried chicken is cooked, browned, and crispy, don't forget to remove and drain before serving.

Tricks for crispy and crunchy fried chicken  YouTube

photo: YouTube/CULINARY icip Rasa

The owner of the YouTube account KULINER icip Rasa also showed the results of the lumpy dough that had been successfully set aside. The results are quite a lot for 1 kg of fried chicken. Well, if the lumpy dough is left to stick to the chicken, the fried chicken will automatically be hard.
