foto: YouTube/KULINER INDONESIA ; YouTube/Zahra Aterah

No need for additional strange ingredients.

  4 Februari 2024 13:30 - Chicken is one of the practical side dishes that can be processed into various dishes. The price of meat is relatively cheap and the taste is delicious, making chicken suitable as an everyday side dish at home. One of the preparations is fried chicken which is clearly delicious and the way to make it is far from complicated.

Fried chicken itself can be prepared in various ways. Chicken can be fried straight away, mixed with flour mixture, breaded first, or fried with various other ingredients. Well, this type of fried chicken can be an option for those of you who want to keep it simple when cooking.

Even so, the process of frying chicken is not free from obstacles. Because fried chicken retains water content, as a result, when it is fried, the oil actually explodes. Not to mention, the chicken skin actually sticks to the surface of the pan. If this happens, the resulting fried chicken won't cook evenly and its shape will no longer be intact.

To get around this, most people deliberately sprinkle enough wheat flour into hot cooking oil. That way, the remaining water content can be completely absorbed. As a result, when the fried chicken is added, the cooking oil does not explode and the chicken does not stick to the surface of the pan. Unfortunately, this method makes the cooking oil dirty.

As a solution, you can imitate what YouTube users CULINARY INDONESIA do. In the video upload, this netizen can be seen making fried chicken using an old frying pan. Usually, this can trigger the chicken to stick when inserted into it.

tricks for frying chicken in an old school frying pan  2024


Instead of sprinkling wheat flour, he admits that he has his own trick to minimize the chicken sticking to the surface of the pan. To do this, first put the pan on the stove. Turn on the stove and heat the pan for a few moments.

"Wait, it's a little burnt and smoky," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube CULINARY INDONESIA on Saturday (3/2).

tricks for frying chicken in an old school frying pan  2024


When the smoke comes out, then pour the cooking oil into the pan. Wait until the cooking oil is hot, then add the chicken one by one into it.

tricks for frying chicken in an old school frying pan  2024


Because it is hot, the surface of the pan doesn't stick. That way, you can turn the chicken to suit your taste during the frying process. To get crispy results, fry the chicken for a long time using medium stove heat.

tricks for frying chicken in an old school frying pan  2024


Once the fried chicken is cooked and brown, remove from heat and set aside. Wait a few moments until the oil content has all gone down. If so, the fried chicken is ready to be served.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.