foto: TikTok/@moebiussss - McDonald's is one of the largest fast food restaurants in the world. One of the reasons why many people often come to this restaurant is because of its delicious crispy chicken. Some of the dishes at McDonald's are best eaten with chili sauce, including the crispy fried chicken .
If you dine in or eat on the spot, customers are usually welcome to take as much sauce as they like. In some corners of the restaurant there are special areas for filling unlimited sauce or free refills. Well, in that section there is also a special paper container or container for the sauce.
Containers specifically for sauce tend to be small, therefore many people usually take several containers containing sauce so that they are more satisfied eating it. But what happens if a customer actually takes the sauce from a jumbo container?
Yup! This was done by a man in a video uploaded by the TikTok account @moebiussss. In the 8 second video, this TikTok user initially shows four paper containers filled with sauce. The size is small, like refill sauce containers in fast food restaurants in general.
how men get McD sauce
But a moment later, the video recorder showed a man at the next table. Who would have thought, on the table there was already a wide container containing an abundance of sauce. Beside it there is also crispy chicken and rice placed in another container.
how men get McD sauce
Without hesitation, the man took a container containing sauce for the crispy chicken dip he wanted to eat. However, the size of the container for this sauce looks bigger than the rice and side dishes. This of course made his friends in the video immediately laugh because they saw this unusual action.
how men get McD sauce
The upload immediately attracted the attention of netizens. Several other TikTok users doubted the man's actions in being able to finish the sauce in the bowl. How could it not be, there was really a lot of sauce in the container and only one person could consume it.
"Hey, don't you finish it? It's a waste if you don't finish it," said TikTok @pinaeee.
"Just finished it," replied TikTok user @moebiussss.
how men get McD sauce
Having been watched more than 353 thousand times, many TikTok netizens also provided direct responses in the comments column. After investigating, many netizens claimed to relate to the video. They then shared their respective experiences through the comments column.
"I'm like that because that's all there is to it," said TikTok @botol.
"My friend is anjir, I was really surprised that there was that much sauce, even more surprised that the sauce was gone," said TikTok @eaoooo_.
"My dad really doesn't want take away, he wants to eat at a place so he can get as much sauce as possible," wrote the account @americanoskirt.
"I took more sauce than my friend but I still finished first, even less, then he said, "that's why you dip the sauce, don't drink it," said TikTok @nunsky.