Sate skewers are generally made from bamboo or wood and are sharp pointed.

  24 Juni 2024 17:00 - After consuming grilled food such as satay, one of the important things you need to pay attention to is disposing of the waste. Even today, skewer waste is still often underestimated and thrown away in the trash. Even though you know, this type of waste is quite dangerous, you know.

Sate skewers are generally made from bamboo or wood and are sharp pointed. If thrown away carelessly, sharp skewers can injure animals or even cleaning staff. The reason is, there have been many cases of cleaning workers being stabbed by waste skewers because they were not disposed of properly.

In fact, there are several methods that can be used to dispose of skewer waste safely. For example, with skewers broken one by one and buried. This is considered safer because skewers made from organic materials can decompose directly and become compost indirectly.

However, if you don't have a large enough yard to bury the skewers, there are other techniques you can use. To be clearer, a YouTube user Ziggy kids family once shared a trick for throwing away skewers to make it safer through one of the uploaded videos. He admitted that this trick was more practical because the skewers didn't need to be broken one by one.

Tricks for disposing of rubbish skewers using bottles  Instagram

photo: YouTube/Ziggy kids family

But please note that this trick for throwing away skewers by YouTube user Ziggy kids family requires another tool. Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube Ziggy kids family on Monday (24/6), the tool in question is a used plastic bottle. In the video, he uses a plastic oil bottle that is large enough to fit a skewer container.

It's easy to throw it away. You can collect waste skewers that are no longer used. Then open the bottle cap and put the waste skewers into the used bottle.

Tricks for disposing of rubbish skewers using bottles  Instagram

photo: YouTube/Ziggy kids family

So, this bottle containing skewers can be closed and then thrown into the trash. But you can also leave it in the kitchen first. So, if you have any more skewer waste, you can put it in the bottle until it's full. Only then throw it in the trash as usual.

"So if someone picks up trash, they won't hurt their hands or feet," said YouTube user Ziggy kids family.

Tricks for disposing of rubbish skewers using bottles  Instagram

photo: YouTube/Ziggy kids family

Basically, this bottle is used as a coating and protection so that no animal or human gets pricked by the sharp side of the skewer. This will reduce the risk of potential injuries resulting from accidentally being stabbed by waste skewers.

On the other hand, disposing of used skewers properly helps maintain a more efficient and safe waste management system. This will also reduce the workload of cleaning staff and prevent damage to waste processing equipment. So, have you disposed of your skewer waste properly?
