The reception was held at the Tribata building, Jakarta, on Saturday evening, November 9, 2024. SEE MORE...
11 dishes at Tariq and Aaliyah Massaid's wedding, complete from traditional to modern
With an under the sea theme, these 9 wedding cake portraits of Tariq and Aaliyah Massaid are beautifully detailed
10 dishes from Clarissa Putri and Sandro Fahdipa's wedding, unique souvenirs, free to take yourself
9 dishes at Tariq Halilintar and Aaliyah Massaid's proposal, the various side dishes can make you go crazy eating
9 dishes at Putri D'Academy's wedding, complete with typical Indian and Middle Eastern cuisine
7 Detailed portrait of Princess Isnari and Abdul Azis's wedding cake, magnificent with red and gold nuances