
The texture of the weevil is hard and round, making the job of cutting this food require more energy.

  24 Juni 2024 12:00

Brilio.net - Corn is a source of carbohydrates and protein which is often processed by people. Corn can also be made into various dishes, such as porridge, corn milk cheese, bakwan, and a complement to soup. The unique texture and taste of corn makes dishes even more delicious.

Well, the form of corn used usually varies. For example, for bakwan and jasuke, use corn that has been shelled. Meanwhile, for soup, tamarind vegetables or boiled corn, the corn is still intact and has a cob.

Talking about corn that still has cobs on it, quite a few people are lazy about processing the cobs. Because splitting corn cobs is quite a difficult job. How could it not be, the texture of the hump is hard and round, making the job of cutting this food require more energy. It's so difficult, many people admit they get emotional when cutting corn cobs.

One of the Instagram accounts @ummubalqishaura also shares a practical way to split and cut tubers, you know. The results are still neat, even without plastic being included at all. What's more interesting is that this netizen's method doesn't make you emotional when it comes to splitting corn cobs.

"Since I found out how to do this, I don't get emotional anymore," he explained, quoted by BrilioFood from Instagram @ummubalqishaura on Monday (24/6).

First, prepare the corn you want to split. Peel all the corn husks until clean, also remove any hair that is still attached to make it easier to split the corn cobs.

Quick tricks for splitting corn cobs  2024 brilio.net

photo: Instagram/@ummubalqishaura

After the corn is clean from the skin and hair, prepare tools such as a cutting board and a sharp knife. Then, place the corn on a cutting board. Before cutting the corn and cob, hold the end with your left hand. Then cut the corn cob by sticking a knife into the middle of the cob.

Quick tricks for splitting corn cobs  2024 brilio.net

photo: Instagram/@ummubalqishaura

After the knife was stuck, the woman appeared to reverse the position of the corn and the knife. After that, hold both ends of the corn cob using your right and left hands. Then, tap the corn cob and knife until it splits. In less than 5 seconds, the corn cob can split.

Quick tricks for splitting corn cobs  2024 brilio.net

photo: Instagram/@ummubalqishaura

If you want to get a smaller size, do the same thing by adjusting the size based on taste. This method can make the corn cobs look very neat and there are no scattered kernels. Now, split corn can be processed into dishes according to taste.

Apart from stomping it against a cutting board, apparently there are other ways to make it easier to split corn cobs. The owner of the account @ellshab352 shared information in the comments column, that he usually uses a mortar and hits the knife stuck in the corn cob. That way the corn cobs will immediately split.

"I usually use a mortar, umm... I hit it with a knife. That's why I just cut corn using a cheap knife," wrote @ellshab352.

Well, it's very easy, isn't it? Which trick are you interested in trying?
