foto: TikTok/@cookbysofia

An easy way that anyone can practice.

  24 Juni 2024 13:00 - Ginger and turmeric are two spices that often appear in Indonesian culinary delights. At first glance, these two kitchen ingredients look the same if you look at their outer skin. But when you look at the inside, ginger is more bright yellowish while turmeric is fresh orange. In terms of taste, ginger has a spicy and warm taste, while turmeric tends to be bitter and slightly spicy.

Both ginger and turmeric have health benefits, so it is not surprising that ginger and turmeric are used as herbal medicines in addition to cooking mixtures. Reporting from, these two spices have the benefit of helping overcome joint pain, relieve menstrual cramps, help stabilize blood sugar, relieve stomach ache, and reduce heart risks.

Well, there are several benefits to using ginger and turmeric in Indonesian culinary delights. Ginger is often used to add aroma to foods such as soto, rendang, beef jerky. Meanwhile, turmeric can provide natural color in foods such as yellow rice, curry, and turmeric fried chicken. So it's not surprising, right, that many people like to keep ginger and turmeric at home.

Talking about storing ginger and turmeric, these two ingredients won't last long if they aren't stored properly, you know. Over time, ginger and turmeric will dry out so they cannot be processed again.

To make it last longer, most people freeze ginger and turmeric in the freezer so that these two ingredients last. But apparently, there are other ways to store ginger and turmeric at home, you know. The owner of the TikTok account @cookbysofia shares her tricks on TikTok.

"Tips for storing turmeric ginger so it lasts a month," wrote the account owner, as quoted by BrilioFood from TikTok @cookbysofia, Sunday (23/6).

Easy steps to store ginger and turmeric.

how to store ginger and turmeric  2024

photo: TikTok/@cookbysofia

The first step that must be done, prepare the ginger and turmeric that you will store. Before proceeding to the next process, make sure these two materials are clean. How to clean it, prepare water in a container, then add ginger and turmeric until completely submerged.

how to store ginger and turmeric  2024

photo: TikTok/@cookbysofia

Then, prepare a toothbrush, and brush all parts of the ginger and turmeric. This aims to ensure that all the ginger and turmeric impurities fall out. That way, you don't need to peel the ginger and turmeric skin.

how to store ginger and turmeric  2024

photo: TikTok/@cookbysofia

After cleaning the ginger and turmeric, prepare containers such as clear jars. Make sure the jar has a lid so it can be used to cover the ginger and turmeric tightly.

Then, put the ginger in a container, and fill it with water until the ginger is submerged. Then, close it tightly. Likewise with turmeric, put the turmeric in a container, fill it with water, and close it tightly.

how to store ginger and turmeric  2024

photo: TikTok/@cookbysofia

Now, the ginger and turmeric are ready for you to store in the refrigerator. That way, the ginger and turmeric will remain fresh and not dry.

"To prevent mold, you need to change the water every three days," added the account owner.

Easy isn't it? This trick is suitable for you to practice at home. This way of storing ginger and turmeric can make it easier for you when cooking. Not only that, you can also save up to 1 month ahead because you already have a stock of these two cooking ingredients at home. Interested in trying it?
