Foto:YouTube/Elaine Hanafi

"This saves around 50% more calories than regular chicken opor," he said.

  8 April 2024 17:00 - Chicken opor is often served during special moments, such as Eid. Usually, chicken opor is served with pieces of ketupat, lontong, or even rice. Don't forget, pickles and chili sauce are also served as a complement. The savory taste of chicken opor always manages to shake the tongue.

After investigating, the savory taste of this chicken opor comes from coconut milk as a mixture of the sauce. In fact, coconut milk can cause a number of health problems if consumed in excess. Reporting from, consuming too much coconut milk can cause weight gain, constipation and high cholesterol.

Therefore, you can replace coconut milk with other ingredients when cooking chicken opor. As pointed out by YouTube user Elaine Hanafi. Not only without coconut milk, this woman's chicken opor also doesn't rely on any cooking oil at all, you know. Even without these two kitchen ingredients, the resulting chicken opor is still delicious, thick and appetizing. Not only that, chicken opor can also be said to be healthier because it is low in cholesterol.

"This is about 50% more calorie efficient than regular chicken opor," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube's Elaine Hanafi on Monday (8/4).

The first step, put 6 cloves of garlic, 10 cloves of shallots, 6 candlenuts, 3/4 tsp coriander, 4 cm ginger, 5 cm galangal, 2 cm turmeric, and water into a blender then puree. Once done, immediately add the ground spices to the pan. Cover the pan then boil until it boils.

"So that it doesn't taste bad, let the spices sit for about 10 minutes after boiling and then add the chicken later," explained the video owner.

chicken opor without coconut milk and oil  2024

photo: YouTube/Elaine Hanafi

After boiling, add 3 crushed lemongrass stalks, 3 lime leaves, and 1 bay leaf. If so, then add the free-range chicken pieces to the pan. Don't forget, also add low sodium salt and powdered mushroom stock, stir and cover the pan.

chicken opor without coconut milk and oil  2024

photo: YouTube/Elaine Hanafi

Open the lid of the pan when the chicken is cooked. It looks like the water in the chicken opor soup has reduced. So, as a substitute for coconut milk, this woman added 150 ml of lowfat milk to the chicken opor. Heat and cook the chicken opor for just a moment. When it's boiling, turn off the stove and the chicken opor can be served straight away.

chicken opor without coconut milk and oil  2024

photo: YouTube/Elaine Hanafi

How to store chicken opor so it doesn't go bad quickly.

Here are some tips for storing chicken opor so they don't go bad quickly.

1. Storage in a closed container.

After cooking chicken opor, make sure to store it in an airtight container or tightly closed container. This helps prevent outside air from entering and reduces the risk of exposure to bacteria that can speed up food spoilage.

2. Storage in the refrigerator.

As soon as the chicken opor is cold, store it in the refrigerator. The low temperature of the refrigerator helps slow the growth of bacteria and keeps chicken opor fresh for longer.

3. Use the right container.

Use a container or plastic food that is suitable for the size of the chicken being stored. Don't leave a lot of empty space in the container because air trapped inside can speed up the rotting process.

4. Avoid direct air exposure.

When storing chicken opor in a container, make sure to close it tightly. Direct air exposure can cause food to spoil quickly.

5. Reduce exposure to air.

When you want to take chicken opor from the storage container, take as much as needed and immediately close the container again. Avoid opening the container too often because this can speed up food spoilage.

6. Storage in small portions.

If possible, separate the chicken opor into small portions before storing. This helps extend the shelf life and makes it easier when you want to reheat it.

By following the tips above, you can extend the shelf life of chicken opor and prevent it from going stale quickly. Always pay attention to the condition of the food and do not consume it if there are signs of damage or spoilage.
