
Usually stocked to be used as a snack at home.

  20 Juli 2024 01:00 - Mini pastels filled with shredded meat are usually stocked as snacks at home . This snack has a savory taste and maximum crunchy texture. Instead of buying it, you can try making it yourself at home. So that you don't fail, the following recipe for mini pastels filled with shredded meat has been published by BrilioFood from the Instagram account @sofivirgianti.

Recipe for mini pastels filled with shredded meat  2024

photo: Instagram/@sofivirgianti

Leather Material:
- 250 gr low protein flour
- 60 gr butter
- 1 egg
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 5 tbsp cold water

- Floss

How to make:
1. Mix all the ingredients above except shredded meat, stir with a wooden spoon.
2. Wrap the dough in plastic, put in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.
3. Roll out the dough thinly, then mold it into a ball, flatten it then fill it with shredded meat, fold it in half then twist it. Do this until the dough runs out.
4. Fry the pastels over medium heat until brown. When it is cold, put it in a jar and cover tightly. Ready to enjoy.
