foto: Instagram/@endahsari_83

For a soft texture, steam the bread dough until it is cooked and expands perfectly.

  18 Juli 2024 01:01 - Purple sweet potatoes can be the main ingredient for bread dough. When the dough is smooth, shape it into a mold then add the green beans as the filling. For a soft texture, steam the bread dough until it is cooked and expands perfectly. If you are interested in making it at home, take a peek at the recipe that BrilioFood reported on Instagram @endahsari_83.

How to make purple sweet potato steamed bread filled with green beans  2024

photo: Instagram/@endahsari_83

- 250 gr high protein wheat flour
- 200 gr purple sweet potato, steamed and mashed
- 1 egg
- 50 gr granulated sugar
- 25 gr butter
- 5 grams of instant yeast
- 30-50 ml coconut milk

Material contents:
- 200 gr peeled green beans, soak for 1-2 hours
- 12 tablespoons granulated sugar or according to taste
- 100 ml coconut milk
- 2 pandan leaves

How to make:
1. Make the filling first. Steam the peeled green beans until they bloom. Puree.
2. Boil coconut milk, pandan leaves and granulated sugar until the sugar dissolves.
3. Add the ground green beans to the coconut milk. Cook until dry.
4. Shape into balls and set aside.
5. Next, make the dough. Knead all ingredients except butter until smooth.
6. Add butter. Knead again until smooth and elastic.
7. Weigh the dough according to your desired size. Shape round, flatten then fill with green bean filling. Round it, cover the bottom with banana leaves. Let it rise for 15 minutes.
8. Heat the steamer. Steam the bread until cooked for 5-7 minutes, depending on the size of the bread. Cover the lid of the steamer with a cloth so that water doesn't drip onto the bread.
9. Remove and cool. Store in a closed container.
