
Suitable to eat as an everyday snack.

  18 Juli 2024 03:01 - Lumpia is a type of fried food that is popular with many people . Moreover, when you make it yourself, you can be creative in choosing the spring roll filling according to your taste. One of the spring roll fillings that you can try is oyster mushrooms. The savory taste makes spring rolls filled with oyster mushrooms suitable to be eaten as an everyday snack. The following is a recipe for spring rolls filled with oyster mushrooms, BrilioFood reported from the Instagram account @riaferty12.

Spring roll recipe filled with oyster mushrooms  2024

photo: Instagram/@riaferty12

- Enough spring roll skin
- 1/2 kg oyster mushrooms, shredded
- 1/2 kg bean sprouts
- 1/2 kg carrots, cut into matchsticks
- 1/4 kg spring onions, finely sliced
- 1 egg
- 3 thinly sliced cabbage
- Enough broth
- 1 tsp fish sauce
- Salt, sugar and stock powder to taste

Ground spices:
- 10 red onions
- 8 pieces of garlic
- 2 tsp pepper

How to make:
1. Saute the ground spices until fragrant. Then add the shredded oyster mushrooms and carrots. Stir well then add fish sauce. Once the carrots are slightly wilted, add the stock water. Cook until the water reduces.
2. Add bean sprouts, cabbage, sliced green onions, eggs, salt, sugar and stock powder. Taste test. Cook until the sauce dries up. Lift and drain.
3. Take a piece of spring roll skin, fill it and fold it like an envelope, then add water to the edges of the spring roll as adhesive.
4. Fry the spring rolls over medium heat until golden brown. Lift and drain.
5. Serve with cayenne pepper.
