foto: TikTok/@irmawjy27

So it doesn't dirty the rice cooker itself.

  27 Mei 2024 11:00 - Nowadays most people choose to cook rice in a rice cooker. Not without reason, cooking rice in a rice cooker is quite practical. Just add rice that has been washed clean, add water, then press the "cook" button. While waiting for it to cook, you can do other household chores.

However, sometimes when cooking rice, the boiling water comes out through the steam hole in the rice cooker. If a lot of water is released, it usually stains the outside of the rice cooker. This was experienced by a TikTok user @irmawjy27.

"It keeps spreading until it hurts," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from TikTok @irmawjy27 on Monday (27/5).

Tricks for water not overflowing in the rice cooker when cooking rice  2024

photo: TikTok/@irmawjy27

As a solution, a number of people deliberately cover the steam hole on the rice cooker with a tissue. The goal is that the water that comes out can be completely absorbed into the tissue. Unfortunately, this method is considered ineffective because it requires a large amount of tissue.

How to deal with overflowing rice cooker water using cooking oil.

Instead of using tissue, this netizen found another solution that he could try. To do this, put rice and water in the rice cooker pan as usual. If so, don't cover it immediately, but add one kitchen ingredient, namely cooking oil first.

Tricks for water not overflowing in the rice cooker when cooking rice  2024

photo: TikTok/@irmawjy27

The application method is fairly easy, just dip the brush in cooking oil. Once done, apply a brush to the top of the rice cooker pan. Make sure you do it evenly and thoroughly, okay?

Tricks for water not overflowing in the rice cooker when cooking rice  2024

photo: TikTok/@irmawjy27

Not only that, this netizen also smeared cooking oil on the inside of the rice cooker lid. If you feel it is evenly distributed, then close the rice cooker and cook the rice as usual.

Tricks for water not overflowing in the rice cooker when cooking rice  2024

photo: TikTok/@irmawjy27

After waiting for a while, it appeared that no water was overflowing from the rice cooker. If this is the case, the outside of the rice cooker will remain clean after being used to cook rice.

"The results are clean, there is no overflow," said the video owner.

Tricks for water not overflowing in the rice cooker when cooking rice  2024

photo: TikTok/@irmawjy27

@irmawjy27 No need to replace the rice cooker #ricecooker #ricecookermeluber #sharpricecooker From another planet - Sal Priadi

Why does rice dry quickly in the rice cooker?

Rice in a rice cooker dries quickly due to several factors:

1. Insufficient water use.

The amount of water used to cook rice must be appropriate to the type of rice being cooked and the capacity of the rice cooker. If less water is used than necessary, the rice will dry out quickly.

2. The rice cooker is not closed tightly.

If the rice cooker lid does not close tightly or there is damage to the rubber seal of the lid, water vapor will easily escape and the rice will dry out quickly.

3. Quality of rice cooker.

Low quality rice cookers may not have an even heating function or may not retain the moisture of the rice well after cooking.

4. Wrong timing.

Cooking rice for too long or leaving it in "Keep Warm" mode for too long can also cause the rice to become dry.

5. Type of rice.

Some types of rice such as brown rice or broken rice require more water and different cooking times compared to regular white rice. If not adjusted properly, rice can dry out quickly.

To prevent rice from drying out quickly, make sure you follow the instructions for using the rice cooker correctly, measure the water correctly, and minimize opening the rice cooker lid during and after cooking. Additionally, consider using a rice cooker with better features to keep the rice moist.
