Burnt spots come from the inner pot (rice cooker pan) being wet or not clean when used for cooking.

  2 Maret 2024 10:30

Brilio.net - A rice cooker is an important electronic device to have at home. With its main function as a tool for cooking rice, the rice cooker is a device that is used regularly, considering that rice is one of the staple foods that is commonly consumed every day as part of a heavy meal menu.

Like furniture in general, rice cookers that are used every day must be cleaned regularly. The rice cooker cleaning process is also carried out thoroughly. Starting from the lid, to the inside at the base of the rice cooker.

Well, the base of this rice cooker often burns if used continuously. Burnt spots come from the inner pot (rice cooker pan) being wet or not clean when used for cooking. Well, the stains and water from the inner pot will be exposed to hot temperatures and eventually burn.

Burnt spots make the bottom of the rice cooker look dull and dirty. Therefore, these burnt stains must also be eradicated immediately. When you want to get rid of burnt stains on the bottom of a rice cooker, usually some people will use special ingredients. For example, with toothpaste, baking soda, or vinegar and dish soap.

However, instead of using these ingredients, there are actually other tricks you can do to get rid of burnt spots on the bottom of the rice cooker. This trick was shared by TikTok user @wiwiekgreen_. Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he had a trick that was more practical and hassle-free.

Reported by BrilioFood on Friday (1/3), the user's trick to get rid of burnt stains on the bottom of the rice cooker is to rely on two simple tools. So, the tools in question are wire wool and a rag. So these two tools can help make the base of the rice cooker shine again, you know.

The method is easy, just wet the wire wool with a little water. After that, use it to scrub the burnt bottom of the rice cooker. While rubbing, wipe using a cloth to remove dirt and remaining water.

trick to get rid of burnt spots on the bottom of a rice cooker with 2 tools  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@wiwiekgreen_

So, do the rubbing process like that repeatedly. If there are stubborn burnt spots, you can use more water. But make sure the water doesn't overflow into other parts of the rice cooker. After that, keep rubbing until all the stains are gone.

trick to get rid of burnt spots on the bottom of a rice cooker with 2 tools  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@wiwiekgreen_

Finally, wipe again with a cloth so that the rice cooker shines again. This trick to get rid of burnt spots on a rice cooker is really effective, you know. However, it should be noted that this method will be very effective if the burnt stain is not thickly crusted. That way, the burnt stains can be immediately removed just by rubbing them with wire wool.

trick to get rid of burnt spots on the bottom of a rice cooker with 2 tools  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@wiwiekgreen_

Apart from cleaning the bottom of the rice cooker, don't forget to also wipe other parts, such as the lid and outer body of the rice cooker. You can wipe it with a dry cloth to remove dust around the rice cooker. Well, a rice cooker that is cleaned regularly like this will last longer, you know.

@wiwiekgreen_ accompany me, let's clean the scale in the rice cooker, so before the dirt gets stubborn, it's good to clean it, guys. so it's cleaner and nicer to look at #ricecooker #kitchenhacks #ricecooker #kitchenhack Beautiful - Soft boy

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