
The fluffier texture of rice makes it difficult for many people to stop eating, especially if this dish is served while it is still warm.

  22 April 2024 14:01

Brilio.net - Rice has long been the staple food of society. This food is really suitable to be eaten with various side dishes and vegetables. The fluffier texture of rice makes it difficult for many people to stop eating, especially if this dish is served while it is still warm.

Rice also contains a number of health benefits , you know. Reporting from chhs.colostate.edu, rice is rich in carbohydrates which can be a source of energy for the body so that it can carry out activities well throughout the day. On the other hand, if you choose to eat brown, brown or black rice, you will also get more nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, you know.

However, after cooking rice , the rice usually easily turns dry when left in the magic com all day. So, to prevent this, you can use a number of tricks, for example giving it lime juice. It is believed that the acid content in lime can prevent rice from drying out easily.

However, this is different from the TikTok account user @ristiana_oktaviani. This woman admits that she has other tricks that are no less effective. After all, to practice this trick, you only need one kitchen ingredient.

"Tips so that the rice doesn't dry out quickly because it takes a long time in magic com... And it really doesn't make the rice go stale quickly," wrote the owner of the TikTok account @ristiana_oktaviani in the video caption, quoted by BrilioFood on Monday (22/4).

Tricks so that the rice doesn't dry out even though you spend the whole day at magic com using 1 kitchen ingredient.

Before getting into the trick, the first thing you have to do is wash the rice first. You can wash it 2 to 3 times so that no more dirt remains on the rice. Then, drain the rice, put it in a magic com pan, and add enough water.

Instead of adding lime, this is a trick so that the rice doesn't dry out  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@ristiana_oktaviani

So, here's the trick, before cooking the rice, first add 1 tablespoon of cooking oil. Yup, this cooking oil is the main kitchen ingredient for practicing tricks so that rice doesn't dry out even though you spend a day at magic com.

You can also choose the cooking oil added to cook rice according to your taste, whether palm cooking oil, vegetable oil, coconut oil, canola oil, and so on. After adding oil, stir until smooth, then cook the rice until cooked.

Instead of adding lime, this is a trick so that the rice doesn't dry out  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@ristiana_oktaviani

The netizen who is familiarly called Ristiana shows the appearance of the rice after it is cooked. The rice is fluffy but not too sticky. This rice will not dry out easily throughout the day.

Instead of adding lime, this is a trick so that the rice doesn't dry out  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@ristiana_oktaviani

How about it, the trick is really simple, right? Taking a peek at @ristiana_oktaviani's TikTok upload, apart from having been watched 943 thousand times, quite a few netizens have left enthusiastic comments about this trick to keep rice from drying out.

@ristiana_oktaviani Tips so that the rice doesn't dry out quickly because it takes a long time in magic com. And it really doesn't make the rice go stale quickly #kitchenhacks #cooking tutorial #lifehacks #kitchen #infotiktok #funlearning Ramadan Kareem - Megan Yagami

"It's real, guys... I've been using this method for 3 months. Rice doesn't dry out easily and doesn't stick to the container," wrote TikTok @Yes i'am.

"Wow, the rice is getting fat," said TikTok @Aulia Zahra and received a reply from the video owner, "You can use coconut oil, bro."

"It's getting drier if you use oil, I've tried it... I'm sure you won't get more than a day's worth of rice, so if you eat enough, it's guaranteed that the rice will be according to your wishes," said TikTok @triwijaning and replied, "No, I gave it oil until the afternoon, it wasn't dry at all. ."

How to store rice to prevent lice from appearing.

After being stored for a while, it is not uncommon for fleas to appear in the rice storage box, you know. Here's how to store rice so it's bug-free.

1. Use a tight container.

Store rice in an airtight and tight container. This helps prevent insects from getting into the rice.

2. Choose a durable container.

Avoid using thin plastic containers that are prone to tearing. It's best to use a sturdy and durable container, such as a glass container or a thick plastic container.

3. Check the quality of the rice.

Make sure the rice you buy is in good condition and not contaminated with lice before you store it.

4. Use silica gel.

Place the silica gel bag in the rice container. Silica gel can help maintain low humidity inside the container, thereby reducing the risk of flea growth.

5. Store in a dry and cool place.

Keep rice away from damp and warm places, because these conditions can trigger the growth of lice. Store rice in a dry and cool place.

6. Check regularly.

Carry out regular checks on your rice. If you see signs of infestation, immediately discard the infected rice and clean the storage container before filling with new rice.

7. Use bay leaves or orange peel.

Some people believe that placing bay leaves or orange peels in rice containers can help prevent flea infestations.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.