foto: YouTube/Tani utun channel

Rice cookers need to be maintained regularly, so that they remain clean and durable.

  7 April 2024 14:30 - For a number of people, a rice cooker is a mandatory tool for everyday use. How could it not be, most people, especially in Indonesia, consume rice as a staple food. Cooking rice with a rice cooker can make work in the kitchen easier, because the rice can cook automatically without having to stir and check constantly.

However, rice cookers also need to be maintained regularly, so that they remain clean and durable. Usually, a rice cooker that is rarely cleaned is characterized by a large amount of crust left over from rice and starch water accumulating, both in the bottom area of the rice cooker , the edge of the rice cooker, the steam hole of the rice cooker, and other areas.

This is also often experienced by netizens on Tani Utun's YouTube account. These gentlemen also said that the impact of leaving a dirty, crusty rice cooker also risks making the cooked rice less quality. That's why it's important to keep the rice cooker clean before using it.

"This rice cooker hasn't been used for several days, because when it is used, the rice smells and goes stale, so it's not good to eat," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube Tani Utun channel on Sunday (7/4).

How to descale a rice cooker using kitchen ingredients.

Many people use toothpaste to clean scale on rice cookers. However, it is different from the YouTube account user Tani for this channel. He admitted that he had another way, namely relying on two kitchen ingredients that were no less effective in eradicating scale in rice cookers.

The first thing you need to prepare is a container filled with a little water and an old toothbrush. Then, dissolve enough baking soda and vinegar in the container filled with water. Yup, baking soda and vinegar are the main ingredients for practicing how to get rid of scale in this rice cooker.

After that, stir all the ingredients until evenly mixed. If so, immediately rub all dirty areas of the rice cooker with the help of an old toothbrush.

Instead of rubbing with toothpaste, these gentlemen have a way to get rid of crust  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Tani utun channel

If all the limescale stains have come off, the remaining stains and cleaning agent can be wiped away using a dry cloth or napkin. Once the entire rice cooker area is completely dry, then try turning on the rice cooker. If the power supply runs smoothly, it means the rice cooker is ready to be used again to cook rice .

Instead of rubbing with toothpaste, these gentlemen have a way to get rid of crust  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Tani utun channel

So, how to get rid of scale in a rice cooker is really simple, right? If you have another way or are interested in trying a rice cooker cleaning tutorial like the one shared by YouTube account user Tani on this channel?

How to make sure the rice in the rice cooker doesn't smell easily.

Rice cooked in a rice cooker can smell if it is not stored or looked after properly. Here are some tips to prevent rice cooked in a rice cooker from smelling.

1. Clean the rice cooker regularly.

After using the rice cooker, make sure to clean it thoroughly. Wet the inside surface of the rice cooker with warm water and a little dishwashing soap, then rinse and dry. This will prevent the buildup of rice residue which can cause odors.

2. Avoid leaving rice in the rice cooker for too long.

Once the rice is cooked, immediately transfer the rice from the rice cooker to an airtight storage container. Don't leave the rice in the rice cooker for too long after cooking, because it can cause the rice to become damp and smelly.

3. Use a tightly closed storage container.

Store cooked rice in an airtight storage container or container with a tight-fitting lid to prevent the spread of odors.

4. Add a pinch of salt when cooking rice.

Before cooking rice in the rice cooker, add a pinch of salt to the water while cooking the rice. This can help reduce the smell of cooked rice.

5. Add ginger pieces when cooking rice.

Adding chopped ginger to the water when cooking rice can also help reduce the smell of cooked rice. Ginger has a refreshing aroma and can balance the aroma of rice.

6. Use aromatic complementary ingredients.

When cooking rice, you can also add aromatic complementary ingredients such as pandan leaves or lemongrass. This will not only give the rice a nice aroma, but also help reduce unwanted odors.
