
Before frying, tempeh must be mixed with the right spices.

  27 Februari 2024 13:00

Brilio.net - Who doesn't like eating fried tempeh? This dish is very suitable as a side dish for rice or eaten as a snack.

However, many people are still confused about how to make delicious and tasty fried tempeh . So that it doesn't fail, before frying, tempeh must be mixed with the right spices.

Many people choose to use seasonings, instant seasonings, or dry seasonings because they are considered practical. However, sometimes some of these spices still don't hit the tongue, you know. Well, one netizen on the TikTok account @aprilnagari has a trick for making fried tempeh even tastier. After investigating, this processed tempeh is a recipe passed down from generation to generation from his grandmother.

"Even though this grandmother's recipe is super simple and very practical, when I make this, I always bring back the atmosphere of when I was little. I can't forget that moment. Especially when fried, the smell of onions..." he wrote in a TikTok upload @aprilnagari, quoted by BrilioFood. on Tuesday (29/2).

Tricks to make fried tempeh even tastier and tastier.

First of all, cut the tempeh you want to fry. This netizen, who is familiarly called April, uses 1 tempeh board for one frying pan. Then, prepare a mortar and pestle to grind the three main seasoning ingredients for making fried tempeh, namely garlic, salt and water. Yup, just those three ingredients can produce super delicious fried tempeh.

Recipe passed down from grandmother, tricks for making tempeh  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@aprilnagari

Next, coat the entire surface of the tempeh with ground spices until evenly mixed. So, so that the spices can penetrate, April explained that she usually marinates the tempeh first for just 5 minutes. While waiting for the tempeh to marinate, heat a frying pan filled with oil over medium heat.

Recipe passed down from grandmother, tricks for making tempeh  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@aprilnagari

Then, when the oil is hot and the tempeh has finished marinating for 5 minutes, fry the tempeh straight away. April also said that you can also fry the leftover spice mixture to make the fried tempeh even tastier , but it's best to drain the water first so it doesn't burn the tempeh.

Turn the tempeh while frying, wait until brown. Finally, when the tempeh is cooked and crispy, immediately remove from heat and it's ready to be served.

Recipe passed down from grandmother, tricks for making tempeh  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@aprilnagari

How about it, even though it's simple, this trick for making fried tempeh is really interesting to follow, right? Taking a peek at @aprilnagari's TikTok upload which has been watched 7 million times, quite a few netizens have left enthusiastic comments about tricks for making fried tempeh, you know.

"I keep adding coriander to make it more fragrant," added TikTok @tngcomo.

"Recipe from my mother. Fried tempeh/fish seasoning using coriander, cumin, turmeric, lime leaves, onions, garlic is incomparable," said TikTok @NurulWindaSantoso.

"If you want it to be even more delicious, add 1 clove of red onion, candlenuts, coriander, mushroom stock/other flavorings. Guaranteed to taste like restaurant tempeh," said TikTok @Luthfan store.id.


Fried Onion Tempeh Even though this grandmother's recipe is super simple and very practical, when I make it, I always bring back the atmosphere of when I was little. I can't seem to forget that moment. Especially when fried, the smell of onions... Ingredients - 1 board of tempeh - 5 - 6 cloves of garlic - 1 tsp salt (if you want it saltier, you can add it) - a little water - enough cooking oil. Good luck trying it.. make it It's not complicated, it's suitable for boarding house children, especially if eaten with chili sauce

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Benefits of garlic for health.

Garlic not only adds a delicious taste to dishes, but also improves health, you know. Find out a number of benefits of garlic below.

1. Lower cholesterol.

Garlic can help lower total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol), thereby reducing the risk of heart disease.

2. Lower blood pressure.

Garlic components have been shown to help lower blood pressure, thereby reducing the risk of hypertension and cardiovascular disease.

3. Antioxidants.

Garlic contains antioxidant compounds such as allicin, which helps fight cell damage and inflammation in the body.

4. Improve the immune system.

Garlic can help boost the immune system, helping the body fight infection and disease.

5. Antibacterial and antiviral effects.

Garlic has antibacterial and antiviral properties, so it can help fight bacterial and viral infections.

6. Reduces the risk of cancer.

Some studies show that garlic may help reduce the risk of several types of cancer, including stomach, colon and breast cancer.

7. Reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease and dementia.

Garlic has been linked to a reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease and dementia, and helps improve cognitive function.

8. Reduces inflammation.

The compounds in garlic have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce inflammation in the body.

9. Improves bone health.

Garlic can help improve bone health by increasing the absorption of certain minerals that are important for bone density.

10. Reduces the risk of respiratory tract infections.

Consuming garlic can help reduce the risk of respiratory tract infections, such as flu and colds.

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