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Because white clothes are at risk of getting yellow deodorant stains.

  26 Februari 2024 12:00 - White clothes are popular because the color is simple and makes a neat appearance. However, despite its neat color, white clothes get dirty and stained easily. Can be caused by spilled food or drink. Apart from that, stains on white clothes are also at risk of getting yellow deodorant stains.

Because deodorant mixed with sweat will produce yellow to brown stains in the armpits of clothes . As a result, these stains can interfere with your appearance. Not only that, if deodorant stains are not washed immediately, over time they can become even more crusty and cannot be removed.

To remove yellow stains, many people add bleach when washing clothes. However, the strong aroma of bleach makes many people reluctant to use it. Instead, you can use dish soap.

However, apart from relying on bleach and dish soap, it turns out there are other ingredients to remove deodorant stains.

Well, a netizen, YouTube user B Kreasi, once shared how to clean deodorant stains without bleach and dish soap. Instead of using bleach and dish soap, he relies on the addition of one kitchen ingredient, you know.

An effective trick to remove deodorant stains from the armpits of clothes.

A kitchen ingredient to help clean deodorant stains on the armpits of clothes is baking soda. Apart from using kitchen ingredients, also prepare other simple ingredients, such as detergent powder and toothpaste.

effective trick to remove deodorant stains plus 1 kitchen ingredient  various sources

photo: YouTube/B creation

Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube B creations on Monday (26/2), wet the armpits of the clothes with running water. Then apply enough baking soda to the underarm area of the stained shirt. Instead of brushing it straight away, leave the white shirt sprinkled with baking soda for 2-3 minutes. This technique ensures that the baking soda can absorb the yellow stain optimally. That way, when you wash it later, you don't need to brush the clothes with extra effort.

effective trick to remove deodorant stains plus 1 kitchen ingredient  various sources

photo: YouTube/B creation

After leaving it for 2-3 minutes, then add toothpaste to help remove stubborn yellow stains. The YouTube user brushed the armpits of his clothes with a mixture of baking soda and toothpaste.

effective trick to remove deodorant stains plus 1 kitchen ingredient  various sources

photo: YouTube/B creation

Then after brushing, he rinsed the armpits of the clothes with hot water. Hot water can also help remove stubborn stains so they fade. It didn't stop there, the YouTube user also washed his white clothes with powdered detergent and rinsed them using running water until they were completely clean.

effective trick to remove deodorant stains plus 1 kitchen ingredient  various sources

photo: YouTube/B creation

As a result, after brushing and wiping, the underarms of the white clothes which were previously covered in yellow stains from deodorant looked bright and clean again. Apparently, yellow stains on clothes can fade even if washed without bleach. The addition of a kitchen ingredient in the form of baking soda is considered effective enough to remove deodorant stains from the armpits of clothes.

This effective trick for removing deodorant stains uploaded by a YouTube user has been viewed 13 thousand times. Not only that, quite a few netizens expressed their gratitude for the tricks shared.

"Very useful information," said the account @AFIFRIYADI.

"The new method is easy and cheap," commented the account @mboktani3429.

"This can be imitated," wrote the account @ftlrecord8453.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.