foto: YouTube/my asisten

So that it is comfortable to use again.

  27 Februari 2024 10:00 - Stains in the toilet are often a serious problem experienced by many people. How could it not be, stains that come from dust, water, or even residual dirt often accumulate and make the toilet dirty. Then, when left for a long time, the stain can become crusty and very difficult to clean.

Cleaning the toilet requires special materials. Most people usually use porcelain cleaning fluid which can also be used to clean toilets. However, if the stain is hardened and stubborn, the liquid cannot remove the stain easily.

Many people then rack their brains about cleaning the toilet. One way is to sand the stain. Yup! It's so difficult, stubborn crust on the toilet often only disappears when rubbed with sandpaper.

But instead of using sandpaper, you can actually use other tricks when cleaning the toilet. This trick for cleaning stubborn limescale in the toilet was shared by YouTube user my assistant. Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he could clean the toilet more quickly and save energy.

How to descale the toilet.

Reported by BrilioFood on Monday (26/2), the YouTube user admitted to concocting his own toilet cleaning agent. Instead of cleaning porcelain, he instead relies on two ingredients found in the kitchen, namely baking soda and apple cider vinegar.

Quick trick to clean stubborn limescale in the toilet using apple cider vinegar  YouTube

photo: YouTube/my assistant

How to use it is quite easy. First of all, prepare a bowl. Then add enough baking soda and apple cider vinegar. For the dosage, you can adjust the thickness and width of the stubborn crust on the toilet. So, mix these two ingredients with the help of a brush.

Next, immediately apply the vinegar and baking soda to the stubborn crust on the toilet. While smearing it, spread it evenly over all parts of the toilet. If it is flat, let it sit for 5-10 minutes so that the crust can melt further.

Quick trick to clean stubborn limescale in the toilet using apple cider vinegar  YouTube

photo: YouTube/my assistant

After letting it sit, the stubborn crust on the toilet seems to fade, you know. However, for maximum results, scrub the toilet again with the help of a brush. Or you can also use a brush if the crust stains are very stubborn. If it has been brushed, flush the toilet until it is clean.

Quick trick to clean stubborn limescale in the toilet using apple cider vinegar  YouTube

photo: YouTube/my assistant

This post about quick tricks for cleaning stubborn limescale in the toilet has been viewed more than 79 thousand times. Who would have thought, many YouTube netizens would be interested. In fact, most of them admitted that they wanted to practice tricks for cleaning the toilet with these ingredients.

"You can clean it like that, okay?
Great," said YouTube @makandisemarangkuliner.

"Vixal + baking soda is enough. Just leave it for a while and it will clean straight away. No need for brushes anymore," said YouTube @sipirock9383.

"Thanks for the tips, sis. I'll try to repair the boarding house's yellowed toilet," said YouTube @louisavarelly3263.

"Great... it's like new again, bro, I'll practice it," said YouTube @endangirawati5036.

"Okay, let's try it guys," said YouTube @reffianabasuki8024.

Natural ingredients that can be used to clean toilets.

Cleaning the toilet requires effective ingredients to remove dirt and bacteria. Moreover, the stains and bacteria are quite thick and stubborn. Here are some natural ingredients that can be used to clean the toilet:

1. Vinegar.

White vinegar is a natural cleaning agent that is effective for removing stains and bacteria in toilets. Mix vinegar with water and spray it onto the surface of the toilet, leave it for a while before cleaning with a toilet brush.

2. Lemons.

Lemon juice can help eliminate unpleasant odors and provide freshness to the toilet. Use lemon water to clean the toilet surface.

3. Baking soda.

Baking soda is a powerful cleaning agent and can help remove stains and odors from the toilet. Mix baking soda with water to make a paste, then apply it to the surface of the toilet and leave it for a while before cleaning with a toilet brush.

4. Salt.

Salt can also be used as a natural cleaner to remove dirt in the toilet. Mix salt with water to make a paste, then apply it to the surface of the toilet and clean with a toilet brush.

5. Eucalyptus oil.

Eucalyptus oil has antiseptic properties and can help eliminate bacteria in the toilet. Mix eucalyptus oil with water and use it to clean the toilet surface.

6. Apple cider vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar can also be used as a natural cleaner for toilets. Mix apple cider vinegar with water and spray it on the surface of the toilet, leave it for a while before cleaning with a toilet brush.

7. Orange oil.

Orange oil has a fresh aroma and can help remove stains and odors from the toilet. Mix orange oil with water to make a natural toilet cleaner.

8. Peppermint essence.

Peppermint essence has a refreshing aroma and can help eliminate unpleasant odors in the toilet. Mix peppermint essence with water and use it to clean the toilet.

9. Lavender essence.

Lavender essence can also be used as a natural cleaner for toilets. Mix lavender essence with water and use it to clean the toilet surface.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.