Because it is exposed to sweat and other dirt, usually this part of the shirt is covered in black spots or mold. SEE MORE...
This trick to get rid of lizards is effective and fast without making a trap, just use 2 kitchen ingredients
Instead of brushing it with bleach, this is an effective trick for cleaning deodorant stains on the armpits of clothes using 2 kitchen ingredients
No need to add citrus, this is how to clean yellow crust on bathroom ceramics plus 1 kitchen ingredient
Indoor air pollution threatens health, here are the impacts and how to deal with it
Without breaking it first, this is a safe trick to throw the skewers in the trash so they don't stab other people
Without baking soda, here's a trick for increasing the amount of dishwashing soap so it stays foamy using 1 kitchen ingredient
Instead of soaking it in water, this young mother's trick for cleaning limescale on the stove burner only uses 3 simple ingredients
Instead of brushing with detergent, this is a trick for washing dull towels to make them clean and bright again, plus 1 kitchen ingredient
Don't just glue it, here's a trick to fix broken sandal straps so they're tighter using 1 kitchen ingredient
Without citrus, this man has a surefire trick for cleaning crust on motorbike handlebar rubber using just 1 kitchen ingredient
Without washing or drying, this is a trick to get rid of bed bugs using only 2 kitchen ingredients
Capital IDR 0, here's how to change a fan to be as cold as an AC using only 1 piece of kitchen waste
Without dismantling it, here's a trick for cleaning a dull helmet visor full of stains, just rely on 1 kitchen ingredient
Without needing to clean it, here's how to whiten a dirty and oily mop using only 3 kitchen ingredients
With capital of IDR 4,000, this man's effective way to remove mold from car windows is just add 1 kitchen ingredient
Instead of boiling it with baking soda, this is a trick for washing oily and dirty kitchen towels using 2 simple ingredients
How to clean motorbike exhaust limescale using 2 kitchen ingredients, from dull to shiny like new again
Just add 1 kitchen ingredient, this mom's trick for cleaning dirty and dull slippers will make them shine
No need to wrap it in plastic, these ladies have a safe trick for throwing broken glass into the trash
Instead of rubbing it with a toothbrush, this is a surefire trick to remove sticky stains on the iron using 2 kitchen ingredients
Not rubbed with oil, this is how to remove cracked stains on the motor speedometer glass, just add 1 kitchen ingredient
Sharp again even without a sharpening stone, this is a trick for dealing with dull scissors using 1 tool and kitchen ingredients
Instead of smearing it with toothpaste, here's a trick to clean a yellowed cellphone casing so it's clear again using 2 kitchen ingredients
No need to sprinkle it with citrus, the trick for washing dirty towels to make them clean again is just to use 2 kitchen ingredients
Without adding salt, here's a trick for mopping granite floors to make them clean and shiny, just add 1 kitchen ingredient
Instead of rubbing with toothpaste, this is how to clean a frosted helmet visor so it shines using 1 kitchen ingredient
Clean in 10 minutes, here's how to clean fan dust without disassembling it using 3 kitchen ingredients
No need to soak it overnight, here's a trick for washing towels full of stains so they shine using 3 kitchen ingredients
No need to apply bleach, this is how to wash dirty sandals so they are clean, just add 1 kitchen ingredient
Instead of smearing it with citrus, this is a trick for cleaning limescale stains at the bottom of the bucket using only 1 kitchen ingredient
Without rubbing with oil, here's a trick to remove cracked stains on your motorbike's speedometer glass, relying on 1 kitchen ingredient
Without mixing it with coffee powder, this YouTuber uses 1 drink to get rid of gray hair
Instead of using bleach, the young mother's way of getting rid of black stains on the collar of this shirt is just adding 1 kitchen ingredient
Without mixing baking soda, these mothers whiten yellow teeth using 1 type of leaf
Capital IDR 5,000, this is how to restore dirty car tires so they are shiny and rough again using 2 kitchen ingredients
No need to use bleach, this woman's trick for cleaning dirty stains on her shirt collar is just adding 3 kitchen ingredients
Just use 1 kitchen ingredient, this is a simple trick to make dull and rusty scissors razor sharp
Without bleach, this woman has an effective way to remove limescale from bathroom doors using 2 kitchen ingredients
Instead of brushing it with a citrus solution, this is an effective trick for whitening dirty towels using only 2 kitchen ingredients
Without needing to check, this method for mothers to clean dirty socks is effective so they are clean using 3 kitchen ingredients
Just add 1 kitchen ingredient, this is how to clean a frosted helmet visor so it shines without being scratched
Without adding camphor, here's an easy trick to get rid of ants, just add 1 kitchen ingredient
Sharp again in 5 minutes, this is an effective trick to remove rust from scissors using only 2 kitchen ingredients
No need to wash it with water, this man's trick for cleaning a dirty motorbike produces shiny results, just add 2 kitchen ingredients
Without soaking in hot water, this trick for laundry owners to get rid of yellow stains on bed covers is by adding 1 kitchen ingredient
Not sanding, this is a trick to remove years of rust from knives so they are sharp again using 1 kitchen ingredient
No need to put camphor, this is a trick so that the cupboard doesn't get damp and smelly, rely on 3 kitchen ingredients