
It's not just furniture such as chairs, tables, cupboards and windows, it also needs to be cleaned which is often forgotten.

  13 Juni 2024 20:00 - Having a clean house is certainly the dream of many people. Therefore, make sure you always clean your house regularly. Not only the floor, but also wipe all the furniture in the house.

It's not just furniture such as chairs, tables, cupboards and windows, it also needs to be cleaned which is often forgotten. One of them is the part or area of the light switch .

Even though they are small, light switches can still get dirty. Moreover, if you look closely, the corners next to the light switch are usually filled with dust and dirt . If left for too long, the appearance of the light switch will tend to become dull.

To clean it, you can rub the surface of the light switch using a baking soda solution. After scrubbing using a baking soda solution, the surface of the light switch can return to its shine.

But don't just use baking soda, it turns out there are other cleaning agents that can be used. Likewise shown by Instagram user @priya_dwarke. In his video upload, the netizen replaced baking soda with two other food ingredients.

Curious about how?

Reported by BrilioFood from the Instagram account @priya_dwarke on Thursday (13/6), the two food ingredients used were lemon juice and vinegar. To do this, mix 1 teaspoon lemon juice and 2 teaspoons vinegar in a bowl. Stir until the two ingredients are evenly mixed.

how to clean a dull light switch  2024

photo: Instagram/@priya_dwarke

Then put a dry cloth into the bowl. Then rub a cloth soaked in cleaning solution over the entire surface of the light switch.

how to clean a dull light switch  2024

photo: Instagram/@priya_dwarke

After rubbing it, wait a few moments, the appearance of the light switch which was initially dull will instantly change to shine. Not without reason, as reported by, the acidic properties of lemon and vinegar are effective in removing all types of stubborn stains.

how to clean a dull light switch  2024

photo: Instagram/@priya_dwarke

To keep it clean and shiny, you can practice this method regularly, OK? In his video upload, this netizen recommends cleaning light switches once a month.

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