
How to use this kitchen ingredient is quite easy.

  12 Juni 2024 16:00 - A bathroom that is slippery because of moss has the potential to cause injury to users. Slippery moss can cause users or people doing activities in the bathroom to slip and fall. Therefore, the bathroom must be cleaned properly and optimally to avoid unwanted injuries.

When cleaning the bathroom , some people usually use porcelain cleaning fluid. However, there are also those who use a special mixture of ingredients mixed with hot water. After investigating, hot water is considered to be able to help dissolve all types of dirt, including moss.

However, instead of using hot water, you can also use other materials that are no less effective for cleaning slippery and mossy bathroom floors. This material was shared by Instagram user @myversionofzen. Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that the ingredients came from kitchen dregs, you know.

Reported by BrilioFood from the Instagram account @myversionofzen on Tuesday (12/6), the kitchen dregs in question are egg shells. Yup, egg shells have quite high abrasive properties, so they can help remove stains. But there's no need to worry, egg shells are still safe for floor surfaces made of any material.

"This is safe, it doesn't scratch ceramic, granite and stainless steel in the bathroom. It's really helpful for brushing the bathroom so you don't need a lot of energy," said Instagram @myversionofzen.

Tricks for cleaning slippery and mossy bathroom floors.

Prepare 10-15 egg shells if you want to clean the entire bathroom surface. If it's just the floor, just use it after that dose.

Next, wash and boil the egg shells first so they don't get fishy. After that, dry and blend until smooth. So, these fine egg shells can be directly filtered and used as a bathroom floor cleaner.

tricks for cleaning slippery and mossy bathroom floors  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@myversionofzen

When you want to use it, the egg shells will first be mixed with dish washing soap. In a bowl, add 10 tablespoons of dish soap. Then add 120 grams of egg shells gradually while stirring. After that, pour 100 ml of water. Stir until all ingredients are evenly mixed.

tricks for cleaning slippery and mossy bathroom floors  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@myversionofzen

Next, pour this liquid onto the slippery bathroom floor. After that, rub it using a brush. If so, rinse the bathroom floor until it is completely clean.

"Cleaner, rougher and dries quickly. Don't worry about slipping," explained Instagram @myversionofzen.

tricks for cleaning slippery and mossy bathroom floors  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@myversionofzen

Since it was uploaded on Wednesday (12/6), this video about tricks for cleaning bathroom floors has been watched more than 110 thousand times. Many netizens said they were grateful for gaining useful new knowledge. This was expressed directly in the video's comments column.

"Thank you for the tips," said Instagram @milklovr.

"I want to try number 1 sis, nice sharing this practice ah," said Instagram @wisata_aleeza.

"Wow, you can try this," wrote the Instagram account @dina_rafasya.

"Do you have to wash the egg shells first, bro?" asked the Instagram account @yuv3n.

"I use it that has been boiled, sis. So the bathroom doesn't get fishy and the color of the powder is more pure white. If you just wash it, you can do it, bro, but for some reason the result is grayer in the end hehehe," replied Instagram user @myversionofzen.
