A bicycle chain that is not maintained will cause rust, which will make it difficult for the chain to move and damage other bicycle components.

  10 Juni 2024 14:00

Brilio.net - The appearance of rust on a bicycle chain can be caused by several things, such as exposure to moisture, dirt, or lack of regular maintenance. When a bicycle is stored in a damp place, water and oxygen cause oxidation of the chain metal. This of course produces rust which hinders the movement of the bicycle chain and gears.

But not only that, dirt and dust that accumulates on the chain can bind moisture, thereby speeding up the corrosion process. Meanwhile, without proper maintenance, this rust not only makes it difficult for the chain to move, but also causes premature wear on other bicycle components. The impact is that the overall lifespan of the bicycle will be reduced because some of its components are quickly damaged.

To prevent this, you must immediately eradicate the rust that is already stuck to the bicycle chain. If you are confused, you can copy the trick for cleaning rust on a bicycle chain shared by YouTube user Valven channel. Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he only relied on simple ingredients, one of which came from the kitchen.

Reported by BrillioFood on Friday (7/6), the kitchen ingredient in question is dishwashing soap. Meanwhile, another cleaning agent used is gasoline. These two ingredients will later be mixed as a rust cleaning fluid on bicycle chains.

So, before you are ready to clean it, first dismantle the chain from the bicycle. After that, put it in a container and douse it with gasoline. Turn the chain back and forth until all parts are completely coated with gasoline.

This trick for removing rust from a bicycle chain is effective in making it shine  YouTube

This trick for removing rust from a bicycle chain is effective in making it shine
YouTube/valven channel

If so, make cleaning fluid by filling gasoline in a container then mixing enough dishwashing soap. Stir until smooth and the texture is thick. If it's not enough, you can add more dish soap to the gasoline mixture.

This trick for removing rust from a bicycle chain is effective in making it shine  YouTube

This trick for removing rust from a bicycle chain is effective in making it shine
YouTube/valven channel

Then immediately pour the mixture of gasoline and dish soap into the container containing the chain. Stir until the solution is even and wait up to 1 hour. After soaking, scrub the chain using a brush repeatedly until the chain is clean.

However, because the rust is stubborn, the chain usually doesn't come clean straight away when brushed. To get maximum results, soak the chain again in new gasoline. Then rub again using a brush.

This trick for removing rust from a bicycle chain is effective in making it shine  YouTube

This trick for removing rust from a bicycle chain is effective in making it shine
YouTube/valven channel

When you feel it is clean, soak the chain in a mixture of fresh gasoline and dish soap. You can scrub it with a brush if necessary. This will help remove rust and dirt that is still attached.

So, after cleaning, don't immediately rinse the chain with water, okay? Just wipe with a dry cloth to remove soap residue and dirt on the chain. That way, the chain will be shinier and no longer rust easily.

This trick for removing rust from a bicycle chain is effective in making it shine  YouTube

This trick for removing rust from a bicycle chain is effective in making it shine
YouTube/valven channel

Having been watched more than 1,400 times, this video about tricks for cleaning bicycle chains immediately caught the attention of netizens. Through the comments column, a number of other YouTube users admitted that this trick was very useful to imitate.

"Great, friend, very creative way to clean chain pad rust," said YouTube @pututchanel.

"Thank you for this very useful information," explained YouTube @amankubuy.

"Ah mantwp rante is clean," wrote the YouTube account @AlinShakura.
