YouTube/eybel adnan

Rust can make the exhaust hole or even leak.

  6 Juni 2024 18:00 - The appearance of rust on a motorbike exhaust can be caused by many factors, one of which is exposure to water and humidity. When driving in the rain, water coming into contact with the exhaust can cause rust. Additionally, rapid temperature changes can cause condensation in the exhaust , creating a humid environment that favors rust formation.

The impact of a rusty exhaust is no joke, you know. Rust can hinder the flow of wasted gas from the exhaust. Apart from that, rust can also make the exhaust hole or even leak. This can certainly reduce engine performance and actually increase fuel consumption.

So, to overcome this, a number of people usually replace the exhaust with a new one. However, you can also clean the exhaust to get rid of the rust. Many people usually clean the exhaust with citron or rub it with sandpaper.

Clean motorbike exhaust easily.

However, apart from these two methods, you can use the method used by YouTube user Eybel Adnan. Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he only relied on two kitchen ingredients, namely fizzy drinks (C*ca-Cola) and dish soap. Furthermore, these two ingredients will later be mixed as a rust cleaner in motorbike exhausts.

These gentlemen have a trick to get rid of rust on motorbike exhausts  YouTube

photo: YouTube/eybel adnan

Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube Eybel Adnan on Thursday (6/6), to use it, just prepare a small container or bowl. Then put fizzy drinks and dish soap into the container. If so, stir it using an old toothbrush.

These gentlemen have a trick to get rid of rust on motorbike exhausts  YouTube

photo: YouTube/eybel adnan

Next, apply a mixture of these two ingredients directly to the rusty exhaust. While lubricating, rub the exhaust using a brush. If there is stubborn rust, you can let the liquid sit for a few minutes after processing it. Only then scrub with a brush and rinse using running water

"The rust on the vehicle's exhaust disappears and the appearance of our motorbike becomes attractive again," said YouTuber Eybel Adnan.

These gentlemen have a trick to get rid of rust on motorbike exhausts  YouTube

photo: YouTube/eybel adnan

Having been watched more than 3 million times, this gentlemen's upload about tricks for getting rid of rust on motorbike exhausts immediately caught the attention of netizens. Who would have thought, quite a few other YouTube users would provide responses in the comments column. Most of these netizens share other tricks that are no less effective in eradicating rust from motorbike exhausts.

"I once tried using sprite + bleach, the results were good too," said YouTube @gilangtwgilang7535.

"Actually, it doesn't have to be Coca Cola, the essence is soda water. Just put it in," wrote YouTube @rapzznation3689.

"Great, you can try it," commented the YouTube account @ismailsetyabudi5955.

"top,,.. soda + lemon really removes rust..
The easiest way is to mix cola. + this sunlight," explained YouTube @nomedia07.

"Just a suggestion, try using a crushed red brick and mix it with dish soap and then use a toothbrush to rub it and it will definitely be fast. I have tried it," said YouTube @juliusjonthar8579.
