No need to spend a lot of money.

  13 Juni 2024 11:00 - Car lights that haven't been cleaned for a long time can become blurry. If it is already blurry, the focus of the car's lighting will definitely decrease. This is certainly risky, especially if you drive a car at night. A number of people immediately went to the car wash service to clean the lights of their four-wheeled vehicles .

But if you don't want to spend a lot of money, you can wash your car lights yourself at home. Because the method and ingredients can be found easily.

A woman using TikTok @rafardhantaskia showed how to wash car headlights with two kitchen ingredients. Even though it is relatively simple, this method has proven to be effective, you know. As a result, the car lights are clear and shiny again.

This effective way to clean blurry car lights makes them clear again.

Reported by BrilioFood from TikTok @rafardhantaskia on Thursday (13/6), the two kitchen ingredients used were lemon and baking soda. Without needing to wet it first, sprinkle baking soda directly onto the surface of the car lights.

Then spread it evenly and rub the entire surface of the car headlights with the cut lemon. Make sure you do it slowly so you don't leave scratches on the car lights, okay?

how to wash blurred car headlights so they are clear  2024

photo: TikTok/@rafardhantaskia

Without using extra energy, all the dirt on the surface of the car lights is immediately removed completely. You also don't need to bother rinsing it, because the car lights already look optimally shiny.

After investigating, this is due to the content of the two kitchen ingredients used. Reporting from, the antibacterial properties of lemon can work optimally when mixed with baking soda. Not surprisingly, this cleaning solution is effective in making car lights shine like new again.

how to wash blurred car lights so they are clear  2024

photo: TikTok/@rafardhantaskia

Because the cleaning ingredients are easy to find, you can immediately follow this method. That way, you can get a car that is as clean as possible without the hassle of using a car wash service.

@rafardhantaskia who has ever tried this trick, write it in the comments #carglasscleaner Kendo Stel Kenceng Jedag Jedug Stel - Rian DTM
