The mop needs to be kept clean, considering that it is used quite often.

  12 Juni 2024 14:00 - Cleaning the house is one of the jobs that is done every day. It's not surprising that cleaning tools, including mops, are equipment that you must have at home. Mops are usually used to clean remaining dirt and fine dust stuck to the floor.

So, considering that it is used quite frequently, of course the mop needs to be kept clean. If not, the floor might actually get dirtier after mopping . Apart from that, floors that are cleaned with a dirty mop tend to smell fishy and become slippery.

So that the mopping process can be maximally clean, you need to wash the mop so that it doesn't smell fishy when used. You can imitate the method used by the owner of the Instagram account @dapuremamarini when washing mops. The way this is done, the mop becomes coarser and smells better, you know.

How to wash a dirty mop so it doesn't smell fishy when you use it.

As reported by BrilioFood from the Instagram account @dapuremamarini on Wednesday (12/6), there are a number of kitchen ingredients used to wash mops. So, the kitchen ingredients in question are salt, baking soda and dish soap. A number of these ingredients will later be dissolved in hot water so that the cleaning process can be maximized.

How to wash a dirty mop so it doesn't smell fishy  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@dapuremamarini

To make the process clearer, prepare a bucket first. Then put in a mop that is dirty and smells fishy. If so, pour hot water into the bucket and make sure the mop is completely submerged.

Next, add salt, baking soda, and enough dishwashing soap. After that, stir using a mop so that all the ingredients are mixed perfectly. If so, let it sit or soak the mop until the water is cold.

How to wash a dirty mop so it doesn't smell fishy  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@dapuremamarini

Then when it is cold, lift it and wash the mop as usual. For maximum results, you can rub it with a brush to make it really clean. After that, rinse and dry in the sun until dry.

So, this dry mop can be used directly to clean the floor. With a cleaner mop, the floor you clean will certainly smell better and get maximum abrasion. Not only that, the floor also becomes more hygienic, you know.

How to wash a dirty mop so it doesn't smell fishy  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@dapuremamarini

Basically, salt, baking soda and dish soap are ingredients that are very effective in cleaning mops from fishy odors. Salt has antibacterial properties which can help kill bacteria and fungi that cause unpleasant odors on mops. Apart from that, salt can also help absorb odors and eliminate the fishy smell of mops.

On the other hand, baking soda acts as a natural deodorant because it effectively absorbs unpleasant odors. The abrasive properties of baking soda also help remove dirt and stains from the mop without damaging it. Another function of baking soda is antibacterial. Just like salt, baking soda also has antibacterial properties that help keep mops clean.

Well, dishwashing soap has several functions, namely degreasing, deodorizing and all-purpose cleaning. Basically, dish soap is very effective at removing stubborn grease and oil stains that stick to mops. Apart from that, the fragrant aroma can help eliminate unpleasant odors by cleaning the remaining dirt stuck to the mop.
