
Many people choose to disassemble the washing machine so that the results are cleaner.

  10 Juni 2024 15:00

Brilio.net - A washing machine that is frequently used can certainly get dirty. If you look closely, the inside of the washing machine can be full of dirt and moss. If left alone, these stains can contaminate the clothes that are being washed, you know.

Limescale stains can also risk damaging the washing machine . Well, some people also choose to clean their washing machines with special cleaning solutions. To ensure maximum cleanliness, the washing machine was deliberately disassembled one by one.

Even though the results are maximum clean, the process of cleaning this washing machine takes a lot of time. Not to mention, if there are parts of the washing machine that are missing or not installed properly. As a result, the washing machine becomes unusable.

As a solution, you can imitate the method for cleaning a washing machine shown by TikTok user @rumahbalisimo. In his video upload, this netizen shows a tutorial for cleaning a washing machine without needing to disassemble it. Apart from being more practical, the method also only relies on two kitchen ingredients as a cleaning solution.

Curious about how?

Using only two kitchen ingredients, this is how to clean the washing machine from scale.

Reported by BrilioFood from TikTok @rumahbalisimo on Monday (10/6), the two kitchen ingredients used were vinegar and baking soda. The first step, first add 2 tablespoons of baking soda to the washing machine drum.

clean the washing machine without dismantling vinegar and baking soda  2024 brilio.net

photo: TikTok/@rumahbalisimo

If so, pour enough vinegar into the washing machine drum. Without needing additional detergent, immediately pour water until it fills all parts of the washing machine drum. Next, turn on the washing machine as usual.

clean the washing machine without dismantling vinegar and baking soda  2024 brilio.net

photo: TikTok/@rumahbalisimo

After washing using the cleaning solution, throw the water into the washing machine. Without needing to disassemble the parts one by one, the effective cleaning solution removes all the scale from the washing machine drum. Just wipe with a dry cloth or chamois on the washing machine drum.

clean the washing machine without dismantling vinegar and baking soda  2024 brilio.net

photo: TikTok/@rumahbalisimo

Cleaning solution can also be used to clean the glass parts of the washing machine. Just spray and then wipe the glass of the washing machine with a dry cloth. The result is that the glass is shiny and maximally clean.

clean the washing machine without dismantling vinegar and baking soda  2024 brilio.net

photo: TikTok/@rumahbalisimo

Everything in the washing machine is clean, right?

@rumahbalisimo It works for me and usually once every 2 weeks. Please try #fyp French music style, accordion, waltz - arachang
